Bloody tactless news reporting

I took a quick look at Ananova’s website just now – that’s the UK website for the Press Association – and nearly had a fit. At the bottom of the page, under ‘latest news headlines’, is the headline “Fifty six die in Bradford City fire”.

Momentary panic; many died in a fire fifteen-odd years ago at Bradford City’s football ground, and I’m horror-struck that something so bad could have repeated itself.

Clicking on the story I find it’s actually an “on this day in history” story that includes the previous disaster. How bloody stupid and tactless is this website? Putting a headline implying a major disaster on their front page when no such thing has occurred is a tasteless, tactless and idiotic example of bad journalism.

Am I being over-sensitive here?

Bad journalism. ananova is normally really good for news, and I like their no frills style of their site. that just seems a bit out of place for them