Blown fuse in 95 Escort??

My cigarette lighter has suddenly stopped working. Is this controlled by a fuse? Does anyone know where the fuse might be located / labelled?

A Haynes manual for your car should tell you where it is. The fuse could be controlling several other things. Maybe you just need a new lighter? You can get them generic at auto part stores.

The owner’s manual (referred to in the industry as the most expenisve book people buy and then never read) will have fuse location information as well as what size fuse goes where.

Hmmmm…should have been more specific.

A) I was hoping to find a free diagram somewhere
B) The original owners manual is long gone.

There’s a fuse panel somewhere. It’s probably under the dash or somewhere in the engine compartment. The panel should have a cover on it. The inside of the cover should tell you the device each fuse protects. Pull the fuse for the cigarette lighter and visually inspect it. If it’s blown replace it.

If the cover doesn’t say which fuse protects the cigarette lighter then simply pull each fuse and inspect it.

Once you have inserted the new fuse, remove it and inspect it. Is it blown? If it is you have a short somewhere.

Your fuse block should be labeled, Often there is one curcuit for several acessories. Pull em all and check em.

HA! Thanks folks!

FFR: Its under the dash by the driver’s side door. There is one fuse there labelled “cigar 20A”. Sure enough it was out. I simply replaced it with an new 20A, and my phone can now charge!