Blue "equals sign" bumper sticker?

I got mine in college. I can’t remember if it came to me in the mail or if a rep from the HRC came knocking at my door. Because I dislike putting stickers on my car but like the concept of equal rights for all, it now lives on my Nalgene bottle. It shares space with a Feingold bumper sticker, one of those oval stickers with random letters inside (I picked it up on a spring break trip to Jackson Hole, WY), a University of Wisconsin seal (3 guesses as to where I went to school), a Bob Dylan sticker I picked up at one of his concerts, and a sticker from Glacier Brewing Company (mostly cause it looks cool and they’re just starting up).

I bet from that list you can paint a pretty clear picture of my personal beliefs.

Holy moley. You included a bit of my quote in there? You have totally misunderstood what I was saying there, okay? I’m so sorry that you have but I don’t frequent The Pit and besides this is a civil polite thread and I intend to keep it that way.

I said:

I truly believe that the idea of gay rights means equal rights for all. The HRC has an agenda, is that what you were hinting at? My post didn’t put forth a hidden agenda. I’m a supporter of g/l/b/t/ rights and therefore am a supporter of equal rights for all. Kind of thought that was clear. I’m sorry you didn’t quite understand it. :slight_smile:

:confused: I give up — what does an oval sticker with random letters inside indicate about your personal beliefs?

I understood everything. I think you misunderstood my point. I have no problem with what you said, in fact I don’t care what you said (for the purposes of my point), other than that it was clearly not an answer to the original question and contained opinion.

Now I don’t mind that you didn’t answer the original question or that you gave an opinion. I was just pointing out that the crackdown on opinions by SamClem seemed to be suspiciously targetted (and insultingly done, as a much nicer tone could have been used), as plenty of other material that was not a straight answer to the OP, and also contained opinions, passed by prior to my post.

So in the end, no problem with you or what you said, just using it to make a point.

Either he’s making fun of the “DMB” (Dave Matthews Band) ones, or he likes random letters. Or something else; those were just guesses.

First off, I’m a “she.” Second, I guess that one doesn’t indicate anything about my beliefs (and does a Bob Dylan one, really?). I did go on the trip with a UW group, so it added to the collegiate feel. But itt was more the ensemble effect–I’m a liberal Wisconsin grad who likes travelling, beer, and 60s music.

Oh, and the letters aren’t really random–they’re “JH” for Jackson Hole. Forgot that bit. Sorry for the confusion.

Well, I feel better now, after spending my first three years in North Carolina wondering what foreign country used the abbreviation OBX! :o

Sorry about the mix-up. After reading only one of your posts, (that I know of, your name didn’t ring any bells before, although you’ve been here longer than I have) it was a tossup between he and she.

Thanks Crandolph! I’ve been wondering about that sign for YEARS… always thought it was some yachting club or Polo thing… now I know.

I know it’s completely out of context, but for some reason I thought I’d throw this in. It’s a quote from Terry Pratchett’s latest book, “Going Postal” - and after reading all the posts, I thought it appropriate.

“The people who guard the rainbow don’t like those who get in the way of the sun.”

Good Pratchett, by the way, just finished it.
