Boat driver location

Why do boats in the US (not sure about elsewhere) such as speed boats, fishing boats, and ski boats have the driver on the right hand side? We drive our cars on the left hand side. Wouldn’t it be safer boating having it common with cars?

Someone once told me that it was easier to dock that way, but cant you dock on either side?


Early boat motors pulled and lifted the right of the boat because of the clockwise direction of the propeller roatation, and sitting on the right countered this…and navigating on the right and keeping to the right put boat drivers on the side closer to the banks of the river, for docking …beaching and general navigation, even with oars and sticks…you’d be closer to banks…shallower water.

I don’t agree with Philster.

First of all, this is only common in small motorboats, which will usually have their control station either on the centerline or on the starboard (right) side. Other vessels will typically have the control station centered or multiple control stations.

The control station is placed this way because of the navigational rules of the road. When two vessels are crossing each other, Rule 15 provides

In other words, when another vessel is in your forward starboard area, you are responsible for avoiding that vessel. The control stations of small powerboats are put to starboard to provide more visibility for this danger zone.

This has question has been asked of the SD before. SDSTAFF Jill concurred that Philster has it right on. Having driven many, many boats in my career, I’d have to say all reasons given here and in the Mailbag column are valid. On one boat I used to drive, a 110’ patrol boat, the controls were centered. But those of us with the conn, would always man our watch on the STBD side. The big reason was that’s because the RADAR was there. But I’m convinced the RADAR was there for the exact reasons that Billdo points out: you’re a bit more worried about the boats to STBD, 'cuz they won’t be giving way. In fact, of the other boats I’ve driven, same thing - RADAR on the right, controls amidship.

…btw, of all the centered console boats I’ve seen, big and small, the throttles are always to the right of the helm. For right handed folks such as myself, this makes things much easier, as I believe it’s a bit better to have greater throttle control, than helm control.