1 - How accurate is it to have a bomb where cutting one wire defuses the bomb but cutting any other wire (or at least the wrong wire) will blow it up?
Most bombs are very simple and don’t include booby traps like that.
There have been some exceptions over the years, but they are rare. In WWII for example, the Germans started adding booby traps to some of their bombs so that if the bomb didn’t explode for some reason, attempting to diffuse it would set it off and kill anyone in the vicinity. This led to a bit of an arms race of sorts between the German bomb engineers and the British UXB (unexploded bomb) units. In this case the German engineers were specifically making the bombs difficult to diffuse just to add to the terror factor of the weapons.
By comparison, this is an FBI reconstruction of one of Ted Kaczynski’s (the Unibomber) bombs.
Note how simple the construction is. If you can get the bomb open to where you can look at it, figuring out which wire to cut is easy.
2 - How accurate is it to have a bomb where cutting a wire causes the timer to speed up?
Practically impossible. Timers generally have some sort of time base built into them. They are almost never regulated by external wiring.
3 - How accurate is it to have a bomb where cutting a wire stop the timer?
Why on earth would you try to stop the timer? Cut the wire leading to the detonator. Then it doesn’t matter what the timer does. If the detonator is disconnected, the bomb ain’t goin’ kablooey. Period.
Real world bombs also rarely include custom-made 7-segment display timers.
Fancy timers and cutting the red or blue wire are all plot devices designed to heighten drama. Real world bombs aren’t made that way.
Cutting wires would also be a last resort for a modern bomb disposal unit. They can have a robot pick up the bomb and put it into a bomb-proof container, then take the bomb somewhere safe and blast it to bits. Problem solved, no one has to risk their life cutting wires. If that’s not practical, they have things like high powered water jets that they can use to blast the bomb harmlessly apart where it sits.