Book of Mormon soundtrack - $1.99 this weekend!

Forgive me if this has already been posted, but Amazon has a digital download of the cast recording of the Broadway show Book of Mormon for $1.99, but it’s only good until Monday. I blew it and missed out when PBS had it free this spring, so I jumped on this as soon as I saw the email notification I got from Broadway Across America. This is close enough to free to make me happy.
In other good news, they are putting together a traveling show, so you can bet your butt I’ll be getting my tickets the minute they go on sale in Seattle! Yahoo!

Thanks for the heads-up. I downloaded it, my first experience with the Amazon MP3 service, and I must say, it’s not impressing me at all. The Cloud Player has arranged the tracks into alphabetical order, which, needless to say, isn’t exactly how I’d usually care to listen to the soundtrack of a musical!

So I thought I’d just download them onto my phone’s MP3 player. Nope, I can’t - not without downloading a special downloading program! What?

Well, maybe I’ll get to listen to it someday. If so, I’ll try and remember to let you know how I liked it :slight_smile:

Aw, crap. I haven’t tried it since I downloaded it. I hope I can manage it - I can be a techtard sometimes. I was going to put it on my Sansa mp3 player at work on Monday. Oh well - if I listen to it from the computer at work, I can listen in the right order. If I can download it there, I can transfer it in order. Thanks back atcha for the warning.

Damn. Amazon doesn’t let you download MP3s outside the US. :frowning:

Actually they do but the German site doesn’t have the discount.