Book recommendations for a cheesy D&Dish fantasy?

This morning, 've realized that 've not read any new fantasy in over a year, which is, clearly, an act of blasphemy.

Which begs a question-- can you guys recommend a book along the lines of “Villains by necessity” by Eve Forward? Something mildly funny, with over the top tabletop stereotypes which end up being loveable characters in the end. Margaret Weiss’s “Soulforge” was another one I’ve rather enjoyed.

Brownie points if the recommended book has a deadpan snarker and/or a witty necromancer/dark mage in it.

Thank you muchly…

Have you read the rest of the Margaret Weiss Dragonlance books? Raistlin is a main character in all the Weiss/Hickman books, and he can always be counted on for a good snark. Or a good dark mage-ness.

Most of them, I have, although the snarky dark mage-ness isn’t quite as thick in the non-Twin series of the books…

Dark Elf Trilogy with Drizzt? That’s pretty damn cheesy, but fun to read.

R.A. Salvatore, and there’s shitloads of them if you end up wanting to go on a tear with the character group.

Not overly D&Dish, but with many of the same elements…

Have you read the Taltos series by Steven Brust? I don’t know if I could do it justice in a few words, so I’ll just recommend it. Light, fun, and quick-reading, you can get the first three books in one volume.

Grunts by Mary Gentle.

Except that nobody’s a Good Guy.

Try the Chicks/Chainmail series, edited by Esther Friesner. Female protagonists, mostly female authors, lots of stereotyping, and mostly pretty funny.

Will check this batch out… haven’t even heard of most of 'em. Thanks, dopers. Knew I could count on you. 8D

I don’t read a lot of fantasy so take my recommendations as those of an outsider. But I have read and enjoyed several of John Moore’s fantasy/comedies in the last year: Bad Prince Charlie, Heroics for Beginners, and The Unhandsome Prince. He also wrote A Fate Worse Than Dragons but I haven’t read that yet.

The Black Company series by Glen Cook.

Diana Wynne Jones: Tough Guide to Fantasyland and Dark Lord of Derkholm. The Tough Guide isn’t a story, it’s a reference book of fantasy tropes. Derkholm is about a world that has someone running tours through it, constantly, and that someone is insisting that the whole world perform the fantasy tropes.

The Garrett P.I. novels by Glen Cook. Elves, dwarves, ogres, and all sorts of crossbreeds in an extremely corrupt fantasy city; Garret is basically a fantasy hard-boiled Private Investigator. Lots of snarking.

The Guardians of the Flame by Joel Rosenberg. Bunch of college kids play a roleplaying game, with one of their professors as Dungeonmaster. Except that the professor turns out to be a very powerful mage that has been exiled from the world he’s got their characters playing in. At the end of the first chapter, he casts a spell that puts their minds into their characters, so they can help him get himself back there. But since he didn’t bother to ask before putting them in mortal danger in an unfamiliar world, they aren’t really in the mood to do his quests for him.

Very cheesy, though it gets pretty serious at points. The thief character in particular is pretty funny. And the dragon, too.

I found it mostly blah, but there was one scene parodying The Princess Bride that may be worth the price alone. :stuck_out_tongue:

Probably sillier than what you’re looking for, but: A Malady of Magicks and following series by Craig Shaw Gardner. The books follow Ebenezum, the world’s greatest wizard, who is allergic to magic.

If you haven’t read them already Fritz Leiber’s *Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser*stories are worth reading - he basically defined the steroeotypes that RPGs picked up on.

Terry Pratchett’s best work is far, far better than cheesy D&D fantasy, but his fantasy work (mostly) started with The Colour Of Magic, which is a parody of several of the staples of the Fantasy section. There is even a snarky evil necromancer (in a very minor role).

And in a nice symmetry (from the Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser wikipedia page)

I actually liked D’Shai better, thoush sadly it only has one sequel novel. I’m not sure I’d call the main character a snarker, but he’s an outsider with more than a few comments about the stratified society that he lives in. The magic system was novel and meshed with the social system very well.