Book suggestions need for my grandfather

My Grandfather’s getting harder and harder to buy new books for, so I’m turning to The Dope for help.

Here’s the criteria:

  1. He enjoys Tom Clancy-esque spy and thriller novels, Kathy Reich-esque criminal procedurals, and James Patterson-esque murders. But he’s read all of those particular authors, so I’m looking for something off the best seller lists.
  2. He enjoys nonfiction, but with frustrating unpredictability. He liked Agent Zigzag, but didn’t like Manhunt.
  3. He HATES 1st person narrative. He won’t even bother.

Other random info: He watches a lot of History channel and westerns on TV. He’s a WWII/Korean war vet. He lives in Montana. I live in NYC and he is interested in the city because of that reason.

Any suggestions will be soundly appreciated.

I bet he’d like Nelson DeMille. DeMille is prolific (like Clancy, Patterson, and Reichs) but his books are actually pretty good.

The Men Who Stare at Goats. It’s 1st person, but non-fiction so I’m guessing that’s different.

try mathew reilly, james rollins, or douglas preston lincoln childs (preston childs write books together and sep.).

I’d try one J.A Jance mystery novel. She writes great characters and the mysteries are decent.

If you’re looking for some Tom Clancy like books, try Kyle Mills, Brad Thor, and Vince Flynn.

The subject of the book is a bit south of Montana and different from what he has been reading, but my Dad loves this guy:

Grandfather + likes westerns + needs books = Zane Grey books for Grandpa.

Older but wonderful: the Horatio Hornblower series by C S Forester, wonderful sea stories set in the Napoleonic Wars.

Was he in WWII? My 85-yr old Dad loved the video of Band of Brothers. You just gave me a great idea for a present for him. I’ll get the book!

He was in the navy in WWII, in the Pacific theater. I believe there’s a new and extensive book about the Battle of Midway out last year… Hmmm…
Thanks everyone for the recommendations so far! I’ll have to check them all out!

For some very entertaining non fiction, how about Charlie Wilson’s War? Lots of Cold War adventures (with bonus drugs, booze and hookers). The movie was a very limp adaptation.

If he likes mystery and thriller stories but you would like to give him something a little different to read try Relic and Reliquary by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. It is a fun, exciting read and involves science and monsters! What red blooded man wouldn’t like that?

“in harm’s way” is a very good book about the uss indianapolis. i was able to meet the author and a survivor of the indianapolis at a book signing/reading.

Harry Truman’s Excellent Adventure, the story of HST’s road trip to DC and New York.