Book thread - Simply Christian by N.T. Wright

Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense by N.T. Wright.

Has anyone read this book? I’ve been meaning to read Wright (ha!) for a while now, and this was recommended. I’ve read the first two chapters so far.

It looks like this is in the vein of C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity (which I enjoyed, but parts of which seem dated now). I’m also hoping that Wright fills in some of the holes in Lewis’ book. From the linked description,

Wright is a well-respected theologian and the Bishop of Durham, England. So far I am suprised by how accessible his writing is – honestly, I was expecting something a little more cloaked in scholarly language. I’m curious if any other Dopers have read this book and have comments, and especially if anyone can let me know if this is his normal writing style and what other books by him you might recommend.