Boots/shoes for dogs

Yes, on my childhood collie, named Misty. She chewed them off within 60 seconds.

I would apply here what Fran Lebowitz said about doggy sweaters: “If you are a dog, and your owner suggests that you wear a sweater, suggest that he wear a tail.”

You aren’t really avoiding the chore, you are just replacing it with the new chore of boot care, cleaning, and application.

I bought some dog boots for my golden retriever/Chow mix. They were very easy to put on her. I just made her lay on her side and put them on her feet. She was a very tolerant dog, and after an initial period of confusion due to never having had anything on her feet before, she adjusted to them quickly. I originally lived in Colorado and put them on her when she went out into the snow to keep ice from building up in her pads. It was no problem to have her stop just before coming in the door so I could take them off. We had a covered deck just outside the door, so she didn’t come in directly from the yard. One time a boot came off her foot and I good-naturedly grumbled at her for losing it and not taking care of her boots as if she were a child. Later, I moved to Tucson with her and put the boots on her feet during the summer so she wouldn’t burn her pads on the hot asphalt. I’d say it depends on your dog’s temperament. Some dogs are care-free and put up with just about anything.