Botticelli February 2021

  1. I am not Clarence.
  2. I am not Jimmy Carter (??)
  3. Foul. I have no way of knowing when your father’s birthday is.

That was fast! Let’s try C…

IQ1: Did you play saxophone for the E Street Band?
IQ2: Were you the first person to commit fratricide?
IQ3: Did you take your pen name from a riverboat term indicating the water is at least two fathoms deep?

#1. Take a DQ.
#2. I am not Cain.
#3. I am not Samuel L. Clemens.

IQ1: Did you and your associates team up with Lord Grandrith to fight the Nine?
IQ2: Were you the star of a Ruritanian romance by Edgar Rice Burroughs?
IQ3: Were you the Tanjong of Korva?

Take 3 DQs.

I’m assuming John Carter of Mars isn’t a Ruritanian romance, though.

Doc Caliban.
Barney Custer, of Beatrice, Nebraska.
Carson of Venus.

Clarence Clemons, yes, yes

DQ: Alive?


  1. Real
  2. Male
  3. Last name begins with C
  4. Dead

IQ1: Are you head coach of the Seattle Seahawks?
IQ2: Are you QB for the Las Vegas Raiders?
IQ3: Are you QB for the Minnesota Vikings?

1. Were you George W. Bush’s Secretary of State?
2. Did you voice Dogbert?
3. When you throw your mighty shield, must all those who chose to oppose your shield yield?

DQ1: American?
DQ2: Known for the Arts?
One DQ reserved.

Take 3 DQs.

#1. I am not Condaleeza Rice.
#2. Take a DQ.
#3. I am not Captain America.

IQ1: Are you deceased, yet affable?
IQ2: Were you Ronald Reagan’s Secretary of Defense?
IQ3: Were you the lead in the film adaptation of Starship Troopers?

2 was Chris Elliott.

DQ: died before 2000?

1. Are two separate characters of yours spoofed in Murder by Death (1976)?
2. Are you the only person to win the Nobel Prize in two different scientific fields, once jointly with your husband?
3. Is this the appropriately macabre gate of the fine arts hall named after you?


  1. Real
  2. Male
  3. Last name begins with C
  4. Dead
  5. Not American
  6. Not known for the Arts
  7. Died before 2000

#1. I am not Casper, the Friendly Ghost.
Take 2 DQs.

  1. I am not Agatha Christie.
  2. I am not Marie Curie (??)
  3. I am not Charles Addams (??)

DQ: European?

A clean sweep!

In retrospect, I should have left out “jointly with your husband” or made the Christie question harder.

1. Did you run for governor of New York (not California) as a Democrat (not a Republican) in 2018 (not 1962)?
2. In a Shakespeare play, are you a much-decorated military leader who becomes elected consul, but then abandons Rome to side with the enemy Volscians?
3. Were you Tom Terrific’s arch-nemesis?


  1. Real
  2. Male
  3. Last name begins with C
  4. Dead
  5. Not American
  6. Not known for the Arts
  7. Died before 2000
  8. European

#1. Take a DQ.
#2. I am not Coriolanus.
#3. I am not Crabby Appleton.