Botticelli - July 2012

Not Bill Cosby.

#2 was Arthur Carlson, manager of WKRP

OK, I was just guessing anyway. Ask a DQ.

DQ: Did your show begin airing prior to 1990?


  1. Fictional
  2. Male
  3. American
  4. Unknown if alive today
  5. First name begins with “C”
  6. Probably born after 1900
  7. Not a literary character
  8. Did not first appear in a film or movie
  9. Did not first appear before 1950
  10. Appeared in a series of fictional works
  11. Not known for appearances in a drawn or painted medium
  12. Not a political figure
  13. Not from a song
  14. Strongly associated with somewhere east of the Mississippi
  15. First appeared on one of the Big Four TV networks
  16. First appeared on a sitcom
  17. Show begin airing before 1990

IQ1: Was your enemy also another number for nixing something from a restaurant order?
IQ2: Were you the doorman?
IQ3: Were you the neighbor in a show about nothing?

Dunno about the first. Take a DQ.
I’m not Carlton from Rhoda, or Cosmo Kramer from Seinfeld.

Conrad Siegfried, Agent 86’s nemesis on Get Smart

DQ: Were you the star of your show (versus supporting character)?

Do you have a fresh cousin from Philadelphia?
Is your Uncle a lawyer?
Do you like Tom Jones?

The first is, I suppose, from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, and the third is the girl from Tom Jones, but I don’t know any of their names. Take three DQs (the last of this round).


  1. Fictional
  2. Male
  3. American
  4. Unknown if alive today
  5. First name begins with “C”
  6. Probably born after 1900
  7. Not a literary character
  8. Did not first appear in a film or movie
  9. Did not first appear before 1950
  10. Appeared in a series of fictional works
  11. Not known for appearances in a drawn or painted medium
  12. Not a political figure
  13. Not from a song
  14. Strongly associated with somewhere east of the Mississippi
  15. First appeared on one of the Big Four TV networks
  16. First appeared on a sitcom
  17. Show begin airing before 1990
  18. A supporting character, I would say

Well, this one seems to have died on the vine. Let’s give it a bump; see what happens.

I’m at a loss, and with only two DQ’s left…

C’mon, you can do it!

Here’s where things stand:


  1. Fictional
  2. Male
  3. American
  4. Unknown if alive today
  5. First name begins with “C”
  6. Probably born after 1900
  7. Not a literary character
  8. Did not first appear in a film or movie
  9. Did not first appear before 1950
  10. Appeared in a series of fictional works
  11. Not known for appearances in a drawn or painted medium
  12. Not a political figure
  13. Not from a song
  14. Strongly associated with somewhere east of the Mississippi
  15. First appeared on one of the Big Four TV networks
  16. First appeared on a sitcom
  17. Show begin airing before 1990
  18. A supporting character, I would say

Let’s say, if the final two DQs haven’t been earned and asked by noon EST on Mon. July 30, I’ll declare victory and start the next round.

Well, it seems that Morgenstern has earned some DQs but not asked them yet, so I’ll continue with some IQs.

IQ1: Are you a slack-jawed yokel, some of whose children are named Rumor, Scout, and International Harvester?

IQ2: Were you the youngest one in curls?

IQ3: Did you mysteriously disappear, never to be heard of again, from a sitcom that took place in late-50s/early-60s Milwaukee?

Sorry I’ve been away so long. You’re right that #2 was The Shadow, aka Lamont Cranston. The other two were Carlton “Pudge” Fisk and Papa John Creach. Unfortunately, I’m fresh out of DQ ideas - anybody else is welcome to use them.

I’m not Cletus Spuckler (I’ve always loved that name!), Cindi Brady or Chuck Cunningham.

OK, it was Maj. Charles Emerson Winchester III, from MASH*.

Thanks for playing. I’ll start the next round in a day or two.

:smack: Never even thought of him.

Good one, though. Looking forward to the next round!