*bounce!* *happy!* where is everyone?

What you should do to aid her to get in character is to learn some cockney rhyming slang.

Singing “knees up mother brown”, watching “Alfie” starring Michael Caine, and randomly inserting the phrase “Oy, have a banaaana” into your everyday speech should help. thenagain, to really get into the method acting, you could dress up in your finest rags and go whoring around the local taverns, calling everyone “G’vnor” and winking alot. but maybe thats taking it a little too far… :wink:

Best of luck becca!!

Seeing as she’s a self-described Ren-Faire wench, she probably already does this. ISTR she promised me to show me some of these freaky people sometime…

Thanks again, DRY. I know Shakespeare is done in high school, and if she goes to my high school they even do the more obscure ones, but thats a good four years off.

TwistofFate, since I’m a six hour drive away I can’t really help her get the cocneky down, but I’ll have you know while I may dress up like a tavern wench with little or no warning, there will be no encouraging my little sister to whore around local taverns.

First of all, knowing her she’ll figure out how soon enough, and secondly, I’m planning on brutally murdering any one who gets close to touching her until she’s 25. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the well wishes!

You have to cme to Ren-Fest next summer, Steve. It’s a moral imperative.

“Moral imperative.” So I’m going to hell if I don’t go? I have a feeling you just want to have a chance to verbally abuse me because I don’t have any period clothes. (I’ve never been a draw-attention-to-myself, dress-up kind of person.)

Are the Faires a family event, too? Do Anna and Becca play street urchins?


MC–did you happen to catch "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat a few years ago by the Flint Community theatre?

My Daughter Missy played the narrater. She was in nearly every scene and sang in 14 out of 16 musical numbers.
(Not that I’m bragging or anything :p)

I know how thrilling it is to see a whole different side of a family member by watching them perform. The transformation is simply amazing.

Break a leg, Becca

Steve, have you ever seen Real Genius? Not the kids don’t dress up like urchins…while my whole family does go to the things I’m the one who dresses for the occasion. Mainly because I manage to look ‘normal’ while doing it and they look like they are costuming. My flower wreath headpiece looks positively mundane on me.

Mermaid, no I didn’t, I wanted to but at that point in time I was a very, very busy person and didn’t have the spare time. (I was doing my own theatre stuff, plus high school, plus 16 credits at UofM, plus yearbook, plus…)

With Becca its not a transformation…she performs all of the time.

No, I can’t say I have, though I know I’ve seen bits and pieces of it. I assume that’s where you’re getting the ‘moral imperative’ line. It’s one of those movies they show late at night or Saturday afternoons on cable, and I always come in in the middle of it. Or maybe that’s Weird Science? I’m probably mixing all those “80’s teen genius” movies together in my memory.

(Val Kilmer again, hmm?)

Medea, please keep me posted on this, thru email if you want! I’d like to go. Maybe I’ll take my daughter. She’s three, but she LOVES singing and stuff. I know she’s going to be musical, and if I can show her other kids doing this kind of stuff, maybe that’ll keep her motivated. I did plays when i was in high school, and really enjoyed it. I hope my kids get in to it, too.

Val Kilmer always Sigh…

Real Genius is less sex obsessed than Wierd Science and blows up a house with popcorn.

Persephone, I’ll keep updates going up in this thread for any interested party. No guarentees on quality. Also, get your kid involved with a theatre class at Bower, I know they have stuff for little kids. Or a music group at FIM…I don’t know off hand who is doing the children’s instruction over there right now, but they do have a bunch of really good programs. In a few years check out my favorite one Summer Fun with Opera I helped teach it for a couple years in high school.

If she’s good enough (and I’m sure she is), it’ll happen. You WILL invite me, won’t you?

Ah, hypocrisy. And tell me, my darling overprotective lady friend…You lost your virginity when?? :stuck_out_tongue:

[sub]I shudder to think how many guys you’ll have had by the time you turn 25…[/sub] :eek:

Ah hypocrisy, indeed. My parents obviously do a poor job of this particular protection. I’ll help. Me and my big stick. This can be considered warning of the public…so if anyone is picking up a bright redheard in the Mid Michigan area, don’t surprised when it results in great physical harm.

Of course you’re invited to her Shakespeare stuff…and any of the rest of her stuff. Love to have you around.

Jeez, Medea’s, jus’ when I think you couldn’t BE any cooler…

Yer the ONLY girl I’ve known who can quote from “Real Genius”. My college roomie and I used to do that all the time.

Yeah, I memorized it 'coz one summer vacation HBO ran it every freakin’ day!

Oh, and just to show that this isn’t a TOTAL hijack - congratulations to your little sister, the budding thespian.
[sub]I said “THESPIAN”! Jeez. Buncha pervs…[/sub]

My family loves Real Genius.

I’m a big Val Kilmer fan anyway, and we all love wierd funny stuff.

Okay, I need to rent it again…wait! I need to buy it on DVD…

I know four girls who can and do quote form it, fairly regularly. I have two little sisters and a best friend.

“That was yesterday, what have you done for me today?”

“You and your big stick”? That’s too easy!

I hope your sisters are both doing well. Years from now, maybe Becca Everett will consider this “her big break”, huh?

Despite her overprotective sis.

“Ahm yer huckleberry…”

Okay people, here’s the deal. The show is April 7, and I am still shakey on if I’m going to make it.

I really, really want to though…sigh.

April 7th? That’s my husband’s birthday. Hm.

Ahhhh, he’ll go. He digs kid’s plays. No joke! :smiley:

Persephone, its also on the 8th, so no need to mess up b-day plans…I’ll try to find times eventually. And maybe even a place.