bourbon or whisky?

Im sitting here looking at a bottle of Earlytimess Old Style Kentucky Whisky. Now, nowhere on the bottle does it say that it’s bourbon. I thought that to be labeled bourbon all you needed to be was a whisky from Kentucky. Am I wrong? Also, what does “bottled in bond” mean (off a bottle of old grand-dad 100 proof)?

The brilliant and almost certainly incredibly attractive (I’ve never met her, but a cabernet-drinking redhead has already got several points in my book) JillGat dealt with the difference between bourbon and whisk(e)y in her Staff Report entitled (unsurprisingly) What’s the difference between bourbon and whiskey.

As for being “bottled in bond”, it means that the whiskey has been stored in a governmentally-supervised warehouse, and is thus guaranteed to be actual whiskey (as distinct from, say, neutral grain spirits colored with tobacco juice (yes, that happened).

More information from the Fathom MB: Frankd6’s turn in the barrel
from the post on September 22, 2000 01:56 PM,