Sorry about the easy joke. I am new around here and had to start with something.
The mind of God, being supernatural, is by definition impossible for me or anyone else to comprehend. However, I guess I can throw out a thought or two and see what bounces back.
I guess any answer one would give to this mental exercise would necessarily be based upon ones presuppositions. So Me being a “believer” I would say this:
I tend to believe that God has communicated enough to us. From Genesis, to the Ten Commandments, Jesus (so forth and so on). God wants us to choose to follow him through faith. It would defeat His purpose if he came down out of the clouds (or from wherever he is) and perform whatever acts that would convince an “unbelieving” world that he is real. Anyone who chose to follow Him after such a display would do so without faith. If he wanted that kind of relationship, he could have just created us without the free will to choose Him and avoid the hassle to begin with.
Some of you have noticed that I am a fan of comedies. So to illustrate my point I will bring up an Eddie Murphy movie “Coming to America”. Remember, that his character did not want a women to fall in love with him because he was a prince, he wanted to find a women to fall in love with him for who he is as a person.
If we were to, for arguments sake, agree that there is a God, Then a being of such immense power would probably be unfazed by all us mortal humans throwing a fit and demanding anything from Him. I would imagine it would be like a room of three year olds holding their collective breathe because they want to watch Barney instead of taking a nap. It would be futile, pointless, and “childish” and the daycare worker ultimately owes them no answer. However, we would have to imagine, if we stay within my argument, that if God has truly done the things he has done for us (ie., given us life, sacrifice his son, yada yada) then all we would accomplish with our little act of rebellion would be to break his heart. He still would not “owe” us anymore than what he has given.
If there is no God then I would much rather run around with all the booze and women I could find than sit around with a bunch of protesters. What would be the point? Why not protest and rebel against the Easter Bunny?
I try to keep things light hearted and fun. I hope I have done so here. I invite responses. I really am interested in other points of views on matters such as these.