Boys & Girls: What's your type?

  1. Nerdy
  2. Nerdy
  3. Nerdy

But remember, nerdy is cool…the non-nerdy cool just haven’t reached the level of disassociating the highly knowledgeable from the socially acceptable.

Well, I’m Asian. I’m nerdy by default.

Others see me as…probably nerdy.

I don’t care about nerdy/cool as long as they are kind hearted.

No, no, godzilla will save mankind. I can’t stand that either. Maybe I should give it its own thread at this point…

  1. Nerdy
  2. Nerdy
  3. Nerdy

When I am not bent on devouring all of humanity of course.

I’d say “both” for all three. I’m sorry. I can’t break it down into one or the other any more than to say that some people might consider me more cool than others, and some might consider me more nerdy than others. My oh my, that helps a lot doesn’t it?

  1. No.
  2. Don’t care.
  3. Yes.


O positive. :slight_smile:

I KNEW IT!:wink:

[sub]Er, both. Kinda obvious there. But on the attraction thing there’s no set rule.[/sub]

  1. Cool

  2. A danger to myself and others

  3. No preference, as long as they’re buying.

I think of myself as sort of cool with a hidden nerd streak

I think a lot of people who think I’m cool are unaware of the nerdiness (I collect Archie Comic books, I’ve never smoked weed, I like Garfield)

and people who think i’m nerdy are unaware of the cool (I’ve been ‘with the band’, on the tour bus, I started a theatre company, I write porn…)

I am attracted to guys who are so cool as to be obnoxious and arrogant about it. Huge egos and sunglasses on a motorcycle type…i.e. Vin Diesel.

1: Nerdy
2: Nerdy
3: Breathing

My name is caveman, Nerd of Nerds:
Look upon my geekhood, ye Dorky, and despair!

Well I’m actually NEITHER… Everyone calls me freakily Wierd (wierdly freaky?) If you knew more about me you’d know why :wink:

I see myself as nerdy, a veritable girl-nerd—unruly hair, glasses, no fashion sense—the whole works. But…as Drachillix, my honey-bear-love-slave-legally-wed-boy-toy puts it, I have WAY to much ego to leave the house that way.

Anecdotally, I’m seen by others as cool.

I’m so attracted to nerdy that I married the before-mentioned honey-bear, etc. I’m still working on his fashion sense, his unruly hair has been tamed and those big 80’s glasses are going next.

I’m way too old to be nerdy or cool, but back in my day, I was nondescript.

it’s just ‘Barenaked Ladies’

I don’t really care all that much… Live life… have fun… As long as you enjoy life it doesn’t matter much what others think.

  1. Nerdy
  2. Nerdy
  3. My #1 factor is probably non-jerkiness. In my 18 years this has ranged from middling-Otaku to full-on jock.