It’s quite a story, about an underdog American sculls team who competed in the 1936 Olympics and won the gold medal, against all odds . The book of that title was a huge best-seller; I tried to read it and didn’t find the intricate details of the boat’s construction, going all the way back to felling the trees used to build it, anywhere near as interesting as the author did. I found out that a junior edition existed, and tried to read that; same thing there.
Anyway, I thought a movie of this came out several years ago. Maybe it was a made for TV movie, and this one was made for the theaters? I’m sure COVID delayed things as well.
I found the book fascinating. I suppose I could have skimmed over the parts about the construction of the boat, but it, and George Pocock’s incredible knowledge, precision, and philosophy were integral to the team’s performance. I thought it a brilliant book.
Yeah, the book came out about ten years ago (I think) and was popular at the time. The movie is new.
When the book came out my daughter was on a high-school-aged rowing team and of course, it was required reading for all of them. Our lake had two teams at the time and both benefitted from the popularity of the book among young people - and I expect the movie will do the same for the remaining team on our lake (plus others around the country). I have not read the book and will probably see the movie at some point, but I will heartily endorse crew for anyone’s kid who is looking for a good sport in high school and/or college.