BP says the well is capped and no oil is leaking in the Gulf.

So, the seepage would still be happening, if the well had never been sunk? If so, almost certainly it must have been happening before the well was sunk – was it?

Dissenting with what? A notion that the catastrophe is over? Do people here really think that?

I don’t know about those ideas about killer methane clouds and so forth, but I thought it was pretty clear that most of the released oil had not yet reached either the surface or the shore, and that even if the leak was plugged properly and permanently, environmental and economic damage would continue increasing for a long time thereafter.

Really. Busting through the sea bed due to pressure build up would not present a problem? I am unconvinced. The idea of BP wanting to make money off the oil is because their actions have shown it.

We don’t know because nobody was out there looking for it.

How do you know that? I mean, don’t scientists monitor such things as the oil-content of open waters and oil seepage from sea beds? And I’m sure BP must have had geologists studying the Macondo Prospect pretty carefully before they ever decided to drill there.

The point is that every provable gallon of spilt oil carries a fine many times larger than its market price. While the sale of oil from the ‘lake of oil’ at the bottom of the Gulf (thanks Mr. Glutton (may I call you Brain) for the most horrifying case yet) would generate revenue, the costs incurred would demolish the gains. For BP that is. Personally, I say fuck BP :mad:

If I were a prosecutor, I might force them to sell the oil.

That’s correct. This particular seepage should have been occuring before the BP incident. The seepage has reportedly been tested and determined to be natural biogenic gas occuring as a result of the decay of plant and animal material.

For anyone with a grasp of the English language there is a fair bit of difference between “can not be stopped”, which is what you first said, and “would not present a problem”. When I say there is a chance it could make things more difficult to permanently plug, that fits extremely well with presenting a problem. It does not fit with can not be stopped. Nothing supports your statement that it “can not be stopped”. That is absolutely false.

No, the idea that BP is going to try to turn this into a producing well instead of doing everything they can to plug the well is simply a phenomenally stupid idea. None of BP’s actions have shown they are trying to turn the well into a producer. If so, why would they have tried the top kill method? Why would they be drilling two relief wells? Why would they now be talking about trying a different version of the top kill method? What possible actions has BP done that would indicate that they are trying to do anything other than plug the well?

There are plenty of things to criticize BP for. Making something up out of thin air which doesn’t remotely make any sense and then repeating it over and over in every thread about the topic seems fairly strange to me. Do you seriously not think there is enough ammunition to criticize BP over in the real world?

In conclusion, the idea that BP would try to turn this into a producing well is, to put it bluntly, retarded.

First, the seepage is gas, not oil. Second, no, scientists don’t study every single seepage in the ocean since that would be an impossible task. Third, this seepage is two miles away from the wellhead.

report now is BP wants to try a top kill with the new assembly. does that indicate they want to use the relief well for production now?

And if you were a responsible human being, you would say fuck BP, plug the well as fast as possible at any cost. Now certainly it would be nice to, for once, get an accurate flow rate but doing anything that would either delay the plugging of the well or cause more oil to be spilled is not a good idea. If the well is not leaking and not only BP but the government agrees that the well seems to be holding pressure and maintaining integrity, we should keep it capped until the relief wells permanently plug it.

Regardless of whether we ever know what the exact flow rate was, we should sue the hell out of BP as a penalty, continue to make sure that they pay all the costs of cleaning up the leak, and have them pay all damages.

Not much cause for concern this morning:

There were reports of ‘anomalies’ on the sea bed near the well site yesterday, but nothing new this AM, so apparently everything is checking out.

They would still use the relief well for a bottom kill. If they attempt the top kill method that would indicate to me that all parties believe that the wellbore integrity is good. Regardless of whether or not the top kill method is used assuming the first relief well is successful it is unclear what they would do with the second relief well. It seems highly unlikely that they would use it to produce the formation, but it is certainly possible. I believe they would need a permit from the BOEMRE to do so; does anyone really think that would be granted?


Then your complaint would be with Ken Salazar and Barack Obama.

I think the second relief well is a JUST IN CASE measure. So, if they have a major problem with the first one, another one is nearly ready to go.

And, IMO, its about the only smart thing done so far in this whole fiasco.

I completely agree. However, I was meaning to respond to the hypothetical of whether the relief wells would be used for producing the formation if the top kill is successful. My response was that they would still use the relief wells to plug the well. However, if the first relief well is successful, it is theoretically possible that the second relief well could be used to produce the formation. I don’t think there is any chance that would happen, I just mean that there really wouldn’t be a use for the second relief well if the first is successful. The second would likely just be plugged itself. If BP was stupid they could ask the government to use it as a producer. In that unlikely event, I think there is no chance that they would be permitted. The genius gonzomax apparently believes differently.

Lest anyone forget:

What is blissfully ignorant is trusting BP. They have lied all the way from day one. Somehow people still bow to their expertise. Why not ,they fucked up the whole gulf, made 100,000 people lose their jobs and covered up all the way. I do not trust them to do the right thing. I hope the admin will force them to do it, but I have my doubts. They still have enormous lobbying pressure and the power of money so they can bulldoze their way through the the political system.

This seems to be a common theme for you. Every thread you say something absurdly incorrect with nothing to back it, get called out on it, then move on without acknowledging that you were wrong. Your response is incredibly off topic here. The facts are that you made an incredibly wrong and hyperbolic statement that the well can not be stopped. You then tried to back track and act as if you simply were saying it would cause a problem. Can you not see the giant chasm between saying it can’t be stopped versus it would cause a problem?

Then you repeated your statement that I have seen from many other threads that BP will try to turn this well into a producer. It is not trusting their ethics or morality that leads anyone with half a brain to conclude that they will not do that. It’s basic logic. BP would have to work against their own self interests to do so as it would cost them billions more to attempt something like that. They would also need the cooperation of the Obama administration, which anyone with any sense would know would not go along with that. They would also need to basically perform an engineering miracle to turn this into a producing well considering the current status of it. I mean seriously, stop and think for at least two seconds before you post this again. I get that you think they are all about greed and are also the embodiment of pure evil. Let’s accept that for a moment. If they really wanted this oil, why in the world wouldn’t they plug this well and drill another well to tap this same reservoir? Isn’t that obviously what they would do? That would be phenomenally cheaper to them and would have a far greater chance of success.