Why do you get a headache when you drink or eat cold food/drink too fast?
What causes “ice cream headache”?
Interesting; I had always assumed it was something to do with the sinuses.
That’s weird - I only get it as the ice/ice cream goes down my throat after swallowing. It can be on the roof of my mouth with no ill-effect.
I wonder if that is just a delay effect though jjimm.
I had the worst ever bout of brain freeze the other day; I was in town and it was a scorcher of a day, I chanced upon a shop selling Slush Puppies, bought one, sucked all the flavour out (as you do), then scooped a huge chunk of ice granules into my mouth and swallowed.
It felt like someone has inserted a metal spike through the top of my head, extending right down to my stomach - there was pain, nausea, double vision - the lot - I kept telling myself “it will pass, it WILL pass”, but the effect lasted fully two minutes.