Brain: You're boring. I'm pitting you.

Derleth: either/or?

In my dream yesterday, I was discussing the concept of free speech and how it applies on private and government property with someone. It was a heated discussion that woke me up flustered. Now, I have to research case law to clear up my understanding.

I’ll take your dream.

I’m not sure which are cooler, Derleth’s fetus dolls or Shades’ mathematical nudy pics.

Day 3 of Slortar’s dream log: a repairman came over to fix the wiring in my apartment. He moved my entertainment center a few feet to reach the wiring without telling me. I was a little miffed. Does the madness ever end?

Litost, we should start a club or something… :slight_smile:

robertliguori: No, the emotions run that range: I can be anywhere from vaguely disturbed by the imagery or message to frightened by the dream to absolutely so terrified I wake up in a cold sweat and have to stay up the rest of the night. (The only dream within memory that’s done that to me had that effect because it involved me looking out the window of my childhood bedroom and seeing a girl that had a doll’s head with skeletal eye-holes wearing a dress patterened after a soccer ball. She was just quietly staring at me with empty eye sockets. I had to keep my bedroom window closed for weeks after that dream.)

If my dreams were at all common, I’d probably be in therapy. As they are, they’re uncommon little bits of mental indigestion I occasionally suffer through.

I had a terribly boring dream last night. Mine aren’t usually as neat as Derleth’s, but they’re neat.

This one, however…

I was in a department store, listening to a crying baby just WAIL. Then I walked out, grumbling about how rude it was.

I woke up cranky.

Hey, thanks. I dread to think what you’d say is uncool :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course, normally, I don’t remember any dream. I think I’ve remembered less than a dozen dreams in my life, once I’ve woken up. Do I win the boring dream award now?

I had a dream last night that seemed to entirely be about the fact that I was wearing the wrong coloured socks.