Brazil84 is a fucking moron

I’d say you post good stuff. But yeah a tip of the hat to Jshore who has saintly patience.

The choir thinks you’re one hell of a preacher.

Be still, sexton, and go and clean the vestry. If it is done before vespers you shall have a crust.

This is a real problem, but it doesn’t help that us scientific types go on to say:

Yes, it is completely foreign to them, and when we spout off like this (and I’m aware that this passage may just be an example, not part of the ongoing discussion), we don’t help them understand or make our knowledge more accessible. I essentially have an MS in Biochemistry, so I’m not exactly stupid here, but the above passage may as well be written in Mandarin for all it tells me. If it were written more accessibly, where the concepts are explained rather than the grinding detail, I would understand what it is saying, and perhaps even have a constructive, meaningful discussion about it. And yes, it is possible to explain complex concepts without dumbing down the discussion.

This has always been a problem for scientists, and it contributes to the phenomenon personified by Brazil84. Rather than be intimidated, they may try to throw in terms they’ve heard but have no idea what they mean, or they flail about while misunderstanding and misapplying concepts that are discussed on a level that takes the discussion out of their reach. Knowledge needs to be shared with everyone, and needs to be shared in a way that includes everyone. Otherwise, we will waste time trying to correct ideas that we, as scientists, haven’t always explained very well to begin with. I find fault with brazil84 for not making an effort to use critical thinking, but I also find fault with myself and other scientists for not making an effort to truly educate.


True, but all too often not enough thanks is given to scientists who do try to educate. Sometimes there can be a lot of vitriol directed at scientists who work as popularizers of science - Carl Sagan and Stephen Jay Gould come to mind.

Time for more props to jshore, who I greatly admire for his patience and willingness to delve into these issues and work to explain them. I’ve learned a lot from his posts and appreciate the time and effort involved! :slight_smile: Time to sing a few hymms, huh, Weirddave? But to be serious - I think the point is that jshore’s not preaching to the choir, but trying to explain a complex subject in a way that every reader can understand it. Preachers (IME) don’t necessarily care if you understand them as long as you get fired up.

Another echo. The tireless efforts are noticed and appreciated.

I second what Lobohan says. I like your contributions and I think it is useful to have perspectives from other people responding to brazil84. I feel like I get stuck in a rut sometimes in how to respond and it is nice to have others bring new points to the table. But, to you and the others who have complemented me, I very much appreciate it!

I just don’t understand why tomndebb doesn’t warn the fucker already. That’s, like, the second parenthetical remark like that in a few days, but no warnings. I’m not asking that the little shit be banned, far from it - but rein him in somewhat, yeah, Mods?.

Watch out… he has a blog.

It’s so cute when stupid people are pompous.

Er - what the hell is at the bottom of this post? Is that an attempt at a trick question??

I’m going with “shill,” myself. (Not that being a shill for the folks who disbelieve in global warming isn’t stupid, mind you.)

Careful. He may ban you.


BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OMG, I’m wiping tears and my stomach hurts–wow, that is about the most sillyass thing I’ve ever seen, and I’ve been on teh intarnets a looong time. Okay, so whenever he gets his stupid ass handed to him here he banninates the person who did the ass-handing there? I did get that right, right? Wow, this is the internet equivalent of running away from a fight, getting into your car, locking the doors, then slamming the steering wheel hollering, “Take that, motherFUCKER!


That joker sure has a shit load of rules. Looks like if you say something he doen’t like, ANNNNNKK! Ban stick.

That’s one way to win a debate.

Similarly effective: ‘crushing your head’ between his thumb and forefinger.

Sounds like Rain Man … On October 14, 1987 suffered harm, was strawmanned. Definitely strawmanned. July 24, 1989, intermperate language, definitely intemperate, definitely.

Nor is brazil84’s stubborn moronicity limited to the climate-change issue. He also defends “scientific racism.” See this thread.

I see his name, I don’t click the thread. Same with Intention. Life is too short to waste.