The title pretty much sums up my feeling on the subject. The man actually thinks he’s fighting the good fight and standing up to mindless scientific orthodoxy. Yet he’s actually a low grade moron who evades questions and ignores evidence.
When I think of all the honest hard work Jshore and the others have put towards this halfwit it makes me want to cry.
So I pit you, Brazil and I take solace that you’re the only one who thinks your winning the argument.
Don’t cry. As an occasional lurker in those threads, I quickly bypassed the Brazil84 posts and read up on what the knowledgeable posters had to say. It was an education.
I was temped on starting a big pit thread against this nut that pretends to act innocent after showing awareness that a cite of his was persuasive, doesn’t matter if it is misleading, it is good to use because it is persuasive.
Not worthy enough to spend the time making a clever pit roast. Points to Lobohan for going the direct approach.
And thank you to all that did mention they got an education, the sad thing was that I got it too, finding that the deniers are beginning to use tactics creationists are proud of was an eye opener to me. Heck, I believed at the start off all the discussions that the deniers had good evidence.
After tangling with him, I realized that brazil84 does not debate to win. He’s just there to keep the thread going as long as possible. That way, someone can look at the first page of a 10 page thread, before the big guns come out, and leave with the impression that the global warming debate is raging. He just wants to keep things going as long as he can to spread FUD. He doesn’t care how badly he does in the debate, because he’s not searching for truth.
I registered for another year just to come in here and say that aptronym and jshore deserve medals for that thread. Huge gold medals. Count me in among those who appreciated all the effort.
Hold on to your hats folks, this is almost defending brazil84.
I’m not quite that pessimistic about him. I think he honestly believes that he’s right, and he’s not deliberately trying to be a fuckup.
Honestly, he’s quite representative of a healthy number of decently-educated non-scientists, mostly from economics and finance, who are vaguely familiar with analytical methods but have no concept of the physical concepts that lie underneath.
That radiative forcing is derived from an integration of a radiative cross-section over all wavelengths normalized by the Wein distribution of a blackbody Earth and not really subject to statistical analysis is a completely foreign subject to them.
It’s also important to note that far more non-economists comment on the economy than non-scientists who comment on science. In that framework, I believe that brazil84 (and people like him) honestly believe that Michael Crichton has as many valuable things to say as Michael Mann.
Of course, in the end, they’re still moronic for overlooking some basic analogies, even to economics and finance - “the temperature went down in 2007, so much for global warming” is roughly equivalent to “the Dow Jones dropped a hundred points today, so much for my 401k”; likewise, “we can’t make predictions about global warming until Richard Lindzen agrees and models are validated” is roughly equivalent to “we can’t make economic forecasts until the Fed Chair gives an accurate and testable prediction of the S&P 500 in 2080.”
That’s what I would flame brazil84 for doing - not learning any science before commenting about it.
Actually, Brazil uses underhanded debate tactics too readily, easily, and consistently for it to be anything other than deliberate. He knows what he’s doing. He’s not convinced of his position- he’s pretty definitively a troll, basking in the attention he receives. He picked a controversial issue and is digging in because it gets him the attention he craves.