
Polling the teeming millions - are you a breakfast eater or do you run out the door sans nourishment in the morning?

I’m out the door sans brekkie but my first stop on the way to work is to pick up a bagel with egg and bacon or club sandwich on foccacia which I enjoy in my office with a large hot cup of sweetened earl grey tea. Sometimes I even splurge and buy a danish to follow that up. Of course, I rarely have lunch so that meal lasts me all day.


I always eat breakfast. If I don’t, I’m light headed and dopey by 10 or 11. I’m always bugging Mr. Athena to eat, too. He’s the type that will go all day without eating, then come home grumpy and feeling bad.

Mmmm, breakfast! I’ve got to have it. If I don’t eat it, I’m cranky and not a fun person to be around. Of course, I eat it early (7:00 p.m.) so I’m usually eating around 10:30 anyway. I usually continue to nibble throughout the day after that.

Well, somebody has to own up to breakfasting on coffee and nicotine, so it might as well be me. If these wake me up enough, then there can be a banana, or sometimes, very creatively, toast.

Breakfast? Ick, no. I get physically ill just thinking about food in the morning. If I actually ate something I’d throw up. I do, however, drink 6+ cups of coffee every day. Mmmmm… coffee… I start eating solid food about 3 or so hours after I wake up, then nibble all day.

I am generally a fan of food and any occasion that deals with eating. Breakfast is no exception. Monday through Friday I eat either a single serving size of yogurt or cottage cheese and some fruit. Saturday and sunday Omelettes or waffles with fake sausage (morningstar farms), grapefruit. Every morning, COFEE.

oops…coffee. I think I need to go get some now. :slight_smile:

No food before I leave the house!! There just isn’t time. I always get coffee at this Italian place as I walk from the subway stop to my work, & I’ll occasionally get some solid food, but not too often. I get in at about 7:30, & I’m not really awake enough to be hungry til 9 or 10.

No food before I leave the house!! There just isn’t time. I always get coffee at this Italian place as I walk from the subway stop to my work, & I’ll occasionally get some solid food, but not too often. I get in at about 7:30, & I’m not really awake enough to be hungry til 9 or 10.

WAKE UP!!! :):):slight_smile:

I never really have time for breakfast. Which sucks, since some of my favorite foods are breakfast foods. No matter, I just eat breakfast at odd times of the day.

I only wish I had time for breakfast every day. If I manage to get up before 6:15 I usually can, but otherwise I have to try to grab something on the run (I don’t often do that) or eat an early lunch (this is much more common).

I can’t face food until I’ve been up for 2-3 hours. It depends on my schedule where I eat then; but it’s the only meal of the day where fat + sugar is a must. Breakfast burritos, danishes, raisin bran & banana & soy milk, banana with globs of PB, doughnuts, fast food drive-through breakfast fare, bagels…

The rest of the day I can exist on weird things like sushi & soy beans & sardines & salad & fruits & nuts & twigs. But breakfast just better be bad for me. :slight_smile: And include lots of coffee.

I can’t handle anything much more strenuous than a shower before breakfast or I end up with a major headache.

It’s oatmeal with cinnamon, sugar, dried fruit, and skim milk for me — Which keeps me thoroughly filled up throughout the morning, and (generally) able to withstand the temptations of the evil snack machines at work.

Geez, I sound so white-bread I’m even making myself sick…

I’d say I pass on breakfast about 99.9% of the time during the week, because I usually can’t stomach any food before about 10:30-11:00, which is almost lunchtime (my lunch break starts at 11:30). I have some orange juice, but that’s it.

On weekends, I’ll often have breakfast about 10:30 and then push lunch back a while.

The only time I eat breakfast is if there’s some left-over pizza in the 'fridge.

I’m in Tracer’s camp when it comes to breakfast. Left-over Pizza, or a chicken leg or even a burrito at the Kwiki-mart; Those are my kind of breakfasts. If they are not available, then I probably will have to get by with a can of Tab or Pepsi.

As for grumpiness, I’m a newspaper editor. I’m supposed to be grumpy.

After 30-some years of being totally anti-breakfast (except of the caffeine-and-nicotine variety), I began eating a little something in the mornings, and it has made a VERY POSITIVE difference.

About two weeks ago, I picked up a book called “High Energy Living,” by Robert K. Cooper. I’ve always had a lot of nervous energy, but not much over the long haul. In the past few years, I’ve tried a lot of things - meditation, martial arts, etc. - to bump up my energy reserves. So I looked with interest at this book and noted that it recommended eating a high-protein, low fat breakfast. “Well,” I said to myself, “all books of this type make such suggestions, which couldn’t possibly fit into my lifestyle.” But for some reason, I decided to give it a try. And it’s GREAT. I can’t eat much in the morning - usually either a slice of wheat toast with peanut butter, or a 4-oz cup of low fat yogurt - but I’ve been working better, feeling better, and having MUCH more energy after work ever since I choked down that first breakfast.

So give it a shot! (And also stop and think how very, very lucky we are to be able to be so picky about what and when we eat.)