Breaking Bad 5.01 "Live Free or Die" 7/15/12

Somebody in a previous thread said that he thought that Beneke wasn’t dead, and we all scoffed at the idea.

Yes he didn’t say much…but when he was down checking out the lab, did he mention that it looked exactly like the sketches in Gail’s Lab Notes?

The series has peaked with this line:

“You know, I can foresee a lot of possible outcomes to this thing, and not a single one of them involves Miller Time.”

Ha ha! Eat crow, all you faithless Ted deniers! (Not that I staked a claim one way or the other.)

I note that we now have yet another bald male character in this series, at least for now, which surely makes some sort of record.

Yeah, I thought that too.

Looks like it said, “Cayman Islands routing number”, or the like. No doubt that’s going to lead somewhere fun.

Maybe it’s one of those new upscale Denny’s. You know. Really really upscale.

Bancsuisse, Caymans. Followed by a lot of numbers, which I assume are account numbers.

I was TIVOing it and I paused it and walked up to the screen to read it. Maybe not those exact words but it implied a Cayman Islands account. I’m trying to imagine how it could possibly implicate Walt.

Maybe it will implicate someone else who knows about Walt and could possibly turn state’s evidence. Maybe it will implicate Mike.

Maybe Mitt Romney. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’d be so freakin’ awesome!

What’s the point of bringing Ted back from the dead? (Yes, I was a scoffer.)

Skyler is convinced Ted won’t talk. I’m convinced he won’t talk. So maybe Walt isn’t convinced, and when he offs Ted, Skyler will set something in motion.

Can someone tell me what happened to Ted? The last thing I remember about him from last season was that he was being a jerk about paying off the taxes with the money Skyler gave him.

Skyler had Saul send two goons over to his house to force him to sign and send a check for his back-taxes to the IRS, so that his business wouldn’t get audited and implicate Skyler. As she was the accountant there, the IRS would probably look into her and quickly discover that she and Walt owned the carwash where they were laundering massive amounts of cash.

While the goons were at Ted’s house, he panicked and ran, but he slipped on a rug and hit his head and/or broke his neck on some furniture.

This, and what was the deal with the cigarette again? I remember it contained the poison, but then what?

Well, as several people associated with the show have noted, it isn’t called Breaking Good ;). If they do this right by the end he may be such a monster ( sacrifice his wife? Jesse? everybody? ) that everyone will be actively rooting for his death in the most painful way imaginable.

I like it. But then apparently contrary to most I like the character of Nancy on Weeds being revealed as more and more repulsive as time passes.

Last year they (Walt and Saul) had to get the cigarette with the poison from Jesse so that they could convince him that Gus took it and used it on the kid. This confirms what many had speculated - that Huell took the cigarette when he was frisking Jesse.

ROUTING # 37010412
KY087 (illegible)

Another one for the Mythbusters to take on because I’m skeptical especially given that the feds have access to all kinds of disk drive forensic tools and disks aren’t considered wiped until every location has been written over multiple times. And wouldn’t Gus, being the careful person we believe him to be have used encryption anyway? And if he had copies to keep his employees in line, wouldn’t those be in a safe deposit box somewhere or perhaps even in his attorney’s care along the lines of “in the event of my death…”

Still, it was a lot of fun.

Favorite line: “What’s up with that? Why would anyone want to put a metal ring through the end of their prick?”

I hope it won’t be that black and white, and I doubt it will be, at least to the extent that everyone will be totally rooting against him. It seems to me that the foreshadowing at the beginning of this episode was in order to start slowly preparing the audience for his ultimate demise, so that people won’t be let down so abruptly when it all just ends with his death, epic as it most likely will be.

Or that’s what they want us to think and will blindside us with something else instead.

I thought Saul skipped town and his secretary shredded all his papers.

I missed the beginning. What happened in the diner? I watched online because I have Dish. I am so irritated; I called Dish a month ago to complain and the rep categorically denied that Dish was dropping AMC! I knew he was lying and wanted to yell BITCH at him, but I didn’t because I’m, you know, a lady.

Did anybody watch the new show they kept promoting, Small Town Security? If done right, it looked like it could be good. All the characters looked like real horrors shows.

It’s Walt’s 52nd birthday which he’s “celebrating” alone (contrast with pilot); a guy shows up; he goes in the bathroom and Walt follows; Walt gives money to the guy who gives him keys in return; the guy mentions mentions that Walt is skipping the country; Walt tips the waitress a hundred bucks; goes outside, gets his bag from his car, uses the keys, finds his new car; there’s a big motherloving machine gun in the trunk; title screen.

And Walt has a full head of (dyed) hair, so it’s presumably a ways in the future.