Breaking Bad Season 5! (Prev. Season Spoilers)

To me, the show will not be complete unless Hank figures out at least a major part of Walt’s involvement in the meth trade – it has to happen, maybe as the teaser at the end of episode eight (leading to the 2nd half of Season 5). I hope it’s one of those wake-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night epiphanies – enough circumstantial evidence is there for Hank, it’s just a matter of him putting it together. And then Hank must wrestle with how he will handle it. My guess is that the show will end with Walt going to prison and Hank reluctantly receiving the credit for it.

Then, three year hiatus, Walt gets released from prison and… Breaking Bad, Part Deux! :eek:


I could see Walt Jr. figuring out his dad is involved with the drug trade. Remember when Walt was laying in bed after getting beaten up and uttered “Jesse…” when Walt Jr. was in the room? That was likely put there to start a thread.

Gus could certainly appear in a flashback or two, and that would work all right.

I predict the authorities, including Hank, will be put onto Walt’s trail from either (1) some small bit of evidence in the ruins of the Super Lab, which wasn’t quite destroyed in the rampage, or which Walt just overlooked — or (2) questioning former employees of the laundry who would be able to describe Walt and Jesse physically (if not necessarily name them outright).

Can’t wait for the 15th.

Fring did have a video feed into the Super Lab. It’s entirely possible that authorities could discover video on his laptop’s hard-drive that incriminate Walt and Jesse.

Walt needed a mere half million to pay the mysterious relocater-man. So whatever money was left in the crawlspace, I assume it was less than that.

Ah, great example.

The series should end with Walt Jr. sitting alone, eating breakfast.

Man o man…I’m re-watching Season 4 in anticipation on Season 5. I know that I’ve said it before…as have many others…but this is the BEST SHOW EVER on TV. Just unbelievable. The acting alone should win every award ever not to mention the plot development.

Just WOW. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this show.

How about this. The DEA follows the clues in the generally right direction, but then end up focusing incorrectly on someone else in Walt’s family. Maybe Hank.

Think about it.

[li]DEA agents are in a perfect position to engage in the drug trade while covering their tracks.[/li][li]Hank turned turn down a promotion, with more money.[/li][li]He was almost over-the-top insistent the he remain in charge of investigating the blue meth.[/li][li]He kept trying to push the investigation towards Gus Fring, with evidence no one else found convincing. Maybe he set up the hit on Gus and the explosion at the laundry to make Gus look guilty! Maybe Gomez is working with him and planted a bomb at the laundry during his unauthorized raid![/li][li]He was hit by the cartel for reasons that aren’t entirely clear. This seems especially odd considering that he no longer worked for the DEA.[/li][li]Lab equipment was found that was stolen from his brother-in-law’s workplace.[/li][li]He was mysteriously spared by the turtle bomb. He walked away at exactly the right moment![/li][li]He’s somehow paying for the best therapy available even though he doesn’t have insurance sufficient to do so.[/li][li]Why did Hector pull the whole “Fuck You” bit unless he had a personal beef with Hank?[/li][/ul]
Now that I think about it, it seems like the writers may have been leading to this from the beginning.

If this happens, what does Walt do? Turn himself in? Sacrifice Hank? What would Skyler do?

How about this: she fucks Hank and Marie walks in (wearing purple).

One week to go. Can’t wait. My pants are tight with excitement!

I’m super stoked. Just started watching it about 3 months ago and caught up entirely in just over a month; I was hooked.

Slight tangent: I even tried getting my parents into it, and though they loved the first episode, the wheels fell off for my dad in the second. For him, he started spotting plot holes right away, or character decisions that didn’t make complete sense. For example, in the second episode, why did they bring the bodies of the two drug-dealers home in a bullet-hole ridden RV/mobile meth lab, when they could have just buried the bodies in the desert? I’m usually super-analytical about these things, but I guess I enjoyed the show so much I didn’t even think about it. But in hindsight, yeah, that’s a pretty silly thing to do, particularly for someone as smart as Walt.

Red, there are a lot of plot holes and unrealistic behavior in this show, but it’s hard to care. I think it’s the high quality acting that keeps us watching.

Yeah, there were a few issues later that bugged me, but somehow things like the one above I just mentioned didn’t even occur to make since I was enjoying the show so much.

Well, for one thing they weren’t ‘bodies’. One of them was, but one was still alive.

Anyway, I also can get hung up on stuff like that – and then I remember how often in real life I encounter or hear of actual people doing completely illogical and even stupid stuff. Then the fiction doesn’t seem so hard to accept.

One more week. I’m pumped.

True, but they didn’t know that until well after they had started driving away for the second time. And that’s still one body they should and could have gotten rid of in a vastly preferable manner.

Indeed, but Walt has demonstrated he’s anything but a normal person. He’s someone who seems to be very rational in how he goes about things–as shown copious times even in the first two episodes–makes it hard to buy he’d make such a silly mistake.

Driving home in a bullet-hole ridden RV with meth residue everywhere while transporting one corpse, and another injured one is darwin-award-level of stupidity, even without the prerequisite of killing himself. But with that, I didn’t even notice since the show powered through anyway, but in hindsight, is something that could have been improved.

You’re forgetting that right before this for the first time in his boring middle class life Walt had been shot at, held at gunpoint, and killed a man(he thought it had been two). Now he is no longer a drug chemist, despite the sentence I doubt many people would have a moral problem with synthing drugs, he is also a murderer. Also his plan has gone totally pear shaped, AND he has had the first intrusion of harsh reality on his little crime boss fantasy.

I could buy someone in that situation, full of adrenaline, not being cool and rational.

And also it was needed so we could have the situation in the basement testing Walt, in hindsight even in these early episodes the point of the series is Walt’s moral descent.

Something I had a problem with was Walt retreiving the still living injured guy, STUPID! Should have let him go, the police pick him up so the fuck what? You think he would have been honest about what he was doing? He memorized the license plate of the RV? LOL

Hey, welcome back to the boards!


Anyway, I too am pumped. I agree with those that say this is the best show that’s ever been on TV. And its hard to quantify just exactly why.

The acting, filming and dialogue are just great. The moral decline of our protagonist is compelling. But what really seems to sell the show to me is the abnormally high levels of tension that the show maintains. Between the illicit activity, all the danger, the interpersonal relationships of the characters…and the believability of the storyline…just combines in a way that makes the show so damn riveting!

How did he get the poison to the child? I thought that was coincidence. Jessie didn’t let him in the house.

We’ll probably never know.

Hell, I’m still having trouble with the cigarette switch. I can see Saul’s henchman removing the pack during Jesse’s patdown, but substituting it with another pack that had the right number of cigarettes in it? It would have been better if he’d taken Jesse’s jacket, but he didn’t. Did he? I can’t remember.

Kudos to DavidM’s post regarding Hank. That makes a lot of sense.