Breaking Magnets / Using Multiple Magnets

Quick question: I am doing a Do-it-yourself project that requires me to wrap some coil around a strong neo-dymium magnet. However, I accidently bought some magnets that would long enough.

Would it be equivalent if i used multiple magnets stuck together, as opposed to using one long magnet? Or am I gonna have some problems?

Also, probably related…does breaking a magnet affect its function and field, if it is assembled back together?

Depends on the magnets. I’ve seen magnets that are polarized in the traditional one end is north, the other end is south way, and some that are more like the long sides of the magnet are either north/south. Toric or donut shapes (speaker magnets, for example) can be even stranger, where the outside is one pole and the inside is the other.

It all depends on what sort of magnetism is needed - a distinct north/south, or just “it’s strong.”

These are the magnets i bought

What is the experiment or project? Why the coil?
Fuzzy questions get fuzzy answers!

Should work just fine.

Breaking a magnet MIGHT affect its magnetic strength and reassembly may be difficult and also have an effect on strength.