The Dover Area School District here in Central Pennsylvania enacted a requirement that biology teachers teach Intelligent Design. This fall, the entire school board was voted out of office and replaced with people who didn’t support ID at all.
There were a number of ways the judge could’ve ruled, but this is just a flat-out declaration that ID is creationism, and that it is unconstitutional.
I’m looking for a copy of the judge’s decision. It’ll probably be posted later since the judge just now handed it down.
HALLE-FREAKIN’-LUYAH! It is a bright day for reason.
Robyn, the article you linked has a link to an online discussion on the subject. I made the mistake of clicking on it. It was like a great torrential flood of stupid came pouring out of my monitor.
Well, I just tried to post this in the other thread which must’ve just been locked, but:
I heard an extended segment on All Things Considered tonight about this in the car, and my smile just kept getting bigger and bigger with every snippet quoted from the decision (enough to counter my anger and frustration about this stupid transit strike).
I would’ve been happy simply knowing that the decision went the way it did, but reading this judge’s actual words is pure orgasmic catharsis.
I would never have imagined such a rebuke of ID would come from a Dubya appointee with such supporters as Rick Santorum.
Has the White House made any official statements in reaction? will they?
Ah, what’s the use? Give them another year and they’ll dress up Creation as another new “scientific theory”, and take us through the whole exercise again.