BREAKING NEWS!!!! Makers of GTA to be sued

And there you have it. I’m still dumbfounded. I’ll post back when I have something. I just can’t right now.

Crap – and it looks like Diablo might be next. Just how exactly ridiculous can this get?


This is so laughably bad. It reminds me of the early 80’s where heavy metal, MTV, and Dungeons and Dragons were all responsible for teen suicides. Really people, get over it. I have watched all of those and my murder rate and suicide rate are still at 0. I can’t see it going up either.

Eh, this happens every couple years or so. Has any of these cases ever found a game maker liable?

So sad. This lawyer is wasting so much time and effort trying to blame everyone but the kids.

I love GTA 3 (for the PC) and you know, not once did I think about car jacking people (but I must admit, I’ve always thought about shooting slow fuckers on the highway but that’s just me).

Oh well, I just gotta hope someone sane shoots down this law suite.

Fuck and Rockstar will be dumping money into this instead of into R&D.


Its them damned libruhl trial lawyers again! Just trying to rid the country of a game that celebrates vigorous entrepreneurship and stern self-reliance! The fact that you can whack a hooker and take your money back is nothing more than a good lesson in how to deal with vendors and consultants.

How come you never see anything like “Ayn Rand, Tomb Raider”? Answer me that!

From the article:

Yes, and the boys who shot up Columbine high school were supposedly bowling at the local bowling alley only hours before they went on a shooting rampage. That also must be “hugely significant”!


I and many of my friends have played some of the most violent video games I know of, and none of us are homicidal maniacs. Well, other than myself, of course.

Oy. This shit drives me crazy. So, so stupid.

I think the Lawyers have a point.


I mean, just yesterday, I went atop a hill and started to throw barrels at my neighbor, Mario. I would have never ever acted as such had I not played so much ninetendo as a kid. My actions were subliminal, I tell you. I am innocent of the crime!

Crap, i play dig dug all the time! Soon i shall be forced into digging tunnels nonstop and inflating lizards!

This guy needs to get the smackdown, Tommy Vercetti style!!! comic books, movies, TV, AD&D, rap music, video games, it all causes crime! Children’s upbringing and free will has nothing to do with it!

hey, is This the same lawyer?

and this guy?
And the elian gonzalas case?

looks like someone is pissed he can’t rescue the princess in SMB!

uh hum
This is truly going overboard. What loser lets their child sit in front of a machine killing imaginary people all day? What the fuck ever happened to getting off your ass and going outside to play? If I were to let my child do that and then hand them a gun, I’d be kinda stupid to think that they are just going to shoot bunnies with it :rolleyes: Get the little DevilSpawns[sup]TM[/sup] outside mowing the fucking grass or make them get a damn job if they have that much free time.

I had no idea what GTA was. My best guess was Global Targetting Array.

Then again, an Atari 2600 was my last gaming “system.”

Dad? Is that you? When did they let you out?

You guys think that’s bad. I used to play Spy Hunter and now these weird cars follow me everywhere and I have to run them off the road…

Is there some way we can file a class action suit against this asshole for harassing game makers?

An objectivist, rejecting the notion of the afterlife, would consider a tomb as uninteresting as a tax-collector’s office. Now, yes, it is a fact that some ancient people, operating under flawed premises, put treasures in tombs, and an objectivist has no reluctance to take up wealth that someone else has abandoned; but the objectivist knows that someone else would already have done this, and so such tombs are necessarily empty.

Trinopus (letting A equal A)

Don’t worry about it too much. Thanks to the last two GTA games, Rockstar has more money than God. They can fight off this lawsuit with the change they fish out of the employee’s lounge sofa.

Where exactly did these kid get the fifty dollars for this game? Who allowed them to play video games rated “M” at that age? And most importantly, where did the kids get a .22 at?

Believe me, I’ve played it, and the game is sold strictly as a “real rifle sold separately” kinda deal. :dubious:

Now, now, we mustn’t even hint at the parents taking any responsibility for the sort of influences that their children are exposed to (let alone them getting their hands on guns!). That would be teetering perilously close to common sense.