Brett "The Rat" Ratner picks up stinky whore

Well, the deal with that character (“The Perfect Mate”) isn’t that she was a seductress, but a slave. She would instinctively conform to the expectations of any man she was with, rather than influence them toward her own goals. I’m just afraid the mutant seductress under discussion will have moments like this:
Guard: Halt! Put your hands up!
Seductress: You mean like… this? [does big flashy sexy dance bit]
G: Uh… duuuuuuhhhh…
S: You’re going to let me through, aren’t you?
G: Duuuuuuuhhhhh…
S: And you’re going to shoot yourself, aren’t you?
G: Duuuuuuuuhhhh… [bang!]