Brett "The Rat" Ratner picks up stinky whore

More Rat Droppings.

Brett Ratner is spicing up the new X-Men movie with the addition of his very own fantasy - a sex siren mutant who seduces her opponents rather than battles them.

Didn’t Chuck Austen create a character like that in his Uncanny X-Men run?

Gah! The more I hear about X3 the more I’m absolutely convinced it’s going to suck giant Sentinel cock…

If they waste the Phoenix storyline on this gem of a turd I’m going to be so pissed…

Oh, holy hell. :rolleyes:

Blech. I hate “charm” characters (so named for the vaguely defined charm spell in Dungeons and Dragons). For that matter, I dislike characters that are supposed to be so jaw-droppingly gorgeous that anyone in the vicinity turns instantly into a slack-jawed slave. The only way characters like this can be salvaged is if somewhere along the way, someone tells them “Yeah, yeah, you’re hot. But if you want to access this facility, I still need to see your I.D. Otherwise, get lost.”

And isn’t her “mutant power” the same power that any hot woman already posesses?

Must…Obey…Jessica Alba. :slight_smile:

Yes. Her name was, creatively enough, Stacy X, and she was the madam of her all-mutant brothel, I believe.

Goody. Nothing better than a director adding his own twist to a comic book movie. Roll that beautiful batnipple footage.

At least this will save me $8.

In the Savage Land, Magneto mutated a woman who was for all intents and purposes a Siren. This is in the 70s, and I think they returned to those characters in later years.

It would be an interesting idea only if they picked the most butt-ugly woman in the world to play her.

Sorta of like Mata Hari who wasn’t exactly a beauty. I nominate Minnie Driver.

And, as I recall, she wasn’t all that attractive anyway.

Very stupid idea. What’s wrong with using the main characters anyway? There are loads of them and it’s not like they aren’t all attractive already. Sheesh.

Is it some sort of rule that superhero franchises must begin to suck after the second movie? I’m worried about Spiderman 3 now…

Don’t be. It has the same cast and same crew, most particularly the writers and director, so it should remain top quality.

But X-Men has lost Bryan Singer and Tom DeSanto, may lose many of the actors if they aren’t happy with the script, and seems to have increased interference by the suits at Fox.

The source is so I wouldn’t bet my whole fortune on that this is actually true…

And look who wants the part

:eek: :eek: :eek:

I guess he finally finished reading “How to tank a franchise” By Joel “Nipples” Schumacher.


And I repeat oog.

I liked Beyonce in Austin Powers if he is trying to be politically correct.

of course, personally I would be voting for a brunette

+1 - about the only time I found this worked was on that ST:TNG episode called, what, “The Ideal Mate”? It was a pretty bad ep, but the woman in question was Famke Janssen, and she had…something. I mean, yeah, obviously hot, but something more than that. And the fact that she ended up doing quite well for herself in the movies (funny coincidence that she is in X3, anyone?) suggests that she has something that works onscreen more than mere hotness. I just remember seeing her in that ep, kinda not liking the show much, but thinking “wow, she seems hot, smart and charismatic - I kinda buy her in that role.”

My $.02…

Agreed. That would completely redeem the movie for me. Hell, I’d see it twice. J-Love is my favorite eye candy. :smiley: