Bricker, You're a Jackass Extraordinaire

Seriously, just who in the bloody hell do you think you are?

You prance around here with your holier-than-thou attitude as if you are so above the fray, when in fact you are one of the dirtiest motherfuckers that I’ve ever encountered.

Hey, SHIT-FOR-BRAINS, I SPELLED THE SOURCE OUT RIGHT THERE FOR YOUR TINY LITTLE PEA-NEURON TO SEE. Since the hell when did CONSERVATIVE COLUMNIST MARK HALPERIN at The Page become a fucking “echo chamber that reinforces my view,” you cumwad?

As for your guess-hazarding, I guess that’s proof enough right there how fucking wrong you are about me and my reading habits.

Besides the fact, the person you should have been attacking was the fucking source of the information if they in fact got it wrong. Excuse the fuck out of me for relying upon one of YOUR GUYS for truth and accuracy. You can bet your sweet ass I won’t be making that mistake again!

Jesus you make me sick.


Bricker being Pitted? Been three months already?

It’s a first for me and I couldn’t reply to him the way I wanted to in the GODDAMN GD THREAD THAT THE ASSHOLE GD MODERATORS CONSTANTLY LET PEOPLE PERSONALLY ATTACK ME IN.

Hrm. Have you reported those posts? They won’t do anything about them?

As long as friend Bricker did not break any laws, then what he did it perfectly fine. Did he break any laws? Did he violate any particular part of the constitution? Can you cite case law for his wrongdoing? Hmmmph. I thought not.

If you cannot describe exactly what laws Bricker broke, then he is absolutely right and correct in everything he does.


Ah, you kids! You two should stab and make up.

Easy there, lil’ lady. Allow me to cuss out the Mods for you. I think I know how to do it without getting in trouble. Ahem. Let’s just say the modding in that thread is twattily executed. In a twatty fashion. As if modded by twats.

  • Didn’t read the GD thread. Off to read it now.

**Nzinga, you know better than to imply someone is a twat or cunt or whatever, don’t do that again.

***Shayna forgot to link the thread.

Well, you say some guy is a huge dick, you’re not being as offensive as saying he’s a little prick. The anatomical definitions may be the same, but the nuances are different. Which is why we have the Luminous Ones. Nuances.

Every time.

Every time I have to report them because unless I do they go unmoderated.

And every time the offending party is told rather gently, “Please be nice.”


I do quite like your version. Thank you.

***Pssst. The little blue arrow next to Bricker’s name in the offending quote in the OP takes you there. :slight_smile:

:dubious: Cite for Mark Halperin as a conservative? I’ve always understood him as a Clintonian center-left guy.

After reading how the guy is all for letting poor people die from lack of access to healthcare if doing something about it means less money for him, then defending such by blaming it on his god, not to mention his making excuses about how he isn’t obliged to support it as per his religion’s instructions because of Obama (go figure), despite claiming in the same thread that his is an “all or nothing” religion, I figure calling Bricker a jackass extraordinaire is being kind.

Oh Fa-pucking-lease.

Oh! I knew that. I forgot. Thanks. Found the thread in the meantime.

Well, he was suspended for calling Obama a “dick” so I don’t think he’s a big fan of the president.

In 2008, he “decried the Disgusting’ Pro-Obama Media Bias in Election Coverage

Does that sound “center-left” to you? He does not work for Fox News, so I guess in some people’s books that alone makes him a de facto raving pinko communist.

Calm down.

The link your OP goes to an article by Jill Klausen in which she ridicules Republicans. That’s who Bricker was referring to. The link in your OP. He suggested you read the law itself, so I don’t see how a cite from and article by Halperin counts as having read the law. I can’t see anything in his resume that speaks to him being a conservative columnist, but that’s really besides the point.

Are you perhaps confusing him with Mark Helprin?

Eschaton did a pretty good job of mocking Halperin as one of their Wankers of the Decade.

Also Alex Pareene has named him the #2 media hack in 2010, and #1 in 2011.

From reading those, and the fact that he’s on Morning Joe, I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to call him conservative, even if he’s probably trying to keep himself in the Beltway consensus center. Also, he seems to be wrong about everything, much like Republicans are.

You totally just won my vote for the Doper of the year award. Thank you for that.

But didn’t you know that only lawyers can read and comprehend all those things? They have magical powers, conferred on them by spending three mystical years in a wondrous place, not unlike Hogwarts.

Shayna, if you have complaints about the moderation of the board, those complaints should go in ATMB. If you just want to cuss at moderators, well, there isn’t really a forum here where you can do that, but I understand there are more than a few other forums that exist more or less explicitly for that purpose. In the meantime, I have to ask you to put a hold on your vituperation of the moderation staff here.

No warning issued.

Also, calling other posters “motherfuckers” is against the Pit’s language restrictions. Please avoid this language in the future.

Still no warning issued.