Britney Getting Divorced

Britney Spears files for divorce in LA

Well, colour me shocked. I didn’t see this coming at all.

Yeesh. :smack:

They’ve been married more than 2 years, and have 2 children. Shouldn’t they be moving on from that to new gigs?

I’m glad she finally decided to cut her losses. The guy’s an ass.

I am shocked…shocked to find this out.

I think I had her in the Celebrity Divorce Pool.

First Jessica & Nick, then Whitney and Bobby, now this? It’s like Reality TV lied to me!

TV can lie?!

Next you’ll be telling me that not everything I read on the internet is true!

Will no one protect the institution of marriage from these gays? I mean celebrities? My marriage feels threatened.

Well at least Kevin has his hot rap career on track…leaving poor Briney barefoot and with two kids in the trailer-park. Sad. Didn’t see that coming.

Kind of shocked, as this was such a prime example of the Republican pillar of American family values - the sanctity of heterosexual marriage.

Do celeb reporters realize “irreconcilable differences” means a box has to be checked on the divorce form and the other boxes don’t apply? It’s like “other.”

I got nothin, except this link to list of tags for Federline’s album.

The customer reviews are a hoot as well

Here’s a good one:

I could not be more bummed. I lived my life through K-Fed and his fairy-tale marriage. If his world can crash and burn, what hope have I for happiness?

Well, I suppose I could just hang with my homeys. Bless their four-legged squirrel chasing yapping and scrapping and ripping and running and snortin’ and cavortin’ pea pickin’ hearts.

It’s all good. Peace out.

Well, there are rumors of a sex-tape that Brit was worried about being made public… maybe KFed will be disgruntled? We can always hope.

I’ts all falling into place.

Gatopescado’s “To Do List”:

  1. Take over vacant seat of power in Bigamist Utah.
  2. Marry Jessica Simpson and Britney Spears.
  3. Pick up “Take and Bake” Pizza.
  4. World Domination!

Yeah, but did you pick the closest date. I didn’t, I had it a year and a half back.
(All time best People Magazine cover: ** Jessica and Nick SPLIT: Her sudden decision, his shocked reaction.** I still think that if he was shocked he was the only person that isn’t having his “news” spoon fed to him by Karl Rove that was.)

Cool! At least now we’ll get a break from the Anna Nicole birthing video!

This all proves my theory that newlyweds who start reality television shows about themselves always end up quickly divorced. See: Jessica & Nick, Carmen & Dave, that guy from Blink 182 & the Playboy bunny.

Also, I give it eightteen months before no one remembers who Kevin Federline is.


[K-Fed in Celebrity Deathmatch]Tellyawhat, Baby, you spot me 20 bucks, and I’ll put a ring on that finger.[/CDM]

Please, won’t someone think of the children? What ever shall become of poor little Hambone and Boyardee?

I wonder how many of those reviewers actually bought the album? And if they did…for Og’s sake, why???

He’s got a good start on that - 99.999999999999 recurring % don’t know who he is now.