Broken window and tenancy question.

Good thing you got it fixed. I heard a theory that a broken window can lead to much more serious crimes, such as murder and mayhem.




Yeah, I’d think the same. That’s NOT how I’d want any property manager representing me to act.

I’m torn now between saying ‘fuck it, I’ve changed my answer, phone the Tenants Union and find out your rights so you can stand on them’ and on the other hand ‘hmmm, they do sound like the sort of dicks that might give you grief and blacken your name to other agents - maybe not worth it over a window’


I would determine whether the situation that caused the fall was a hazard existing through the negligence of the owner, and whether their insurance should cover the damage, not to mention any injuries to your grandson. You are quite lucky his injuries weren’t much more serious given the fact it was not tempered glass.

When I was six I shut the storm door by pushing on the glass, breaking it and injuring myself. The law had already mandated that the glass was supposed to be safety glass, and it wasn’t. The landlord wanted my parents to pay for the replacement glass… until she found out she could get fined if my folks complained about the glass not being to state requirements. They didn’t file a complaint, and she paid for the newly installed safety glass.

As you said, the code did and does not requires replacement of all the windows with new safety glass windows. The landlord did not break the window. But once the window was broken, I would expect the code requires that the new glass must be in accordance with the code. An “equivalent replacement” is not permitted under the code. As the fault for the replacement resides with the tenant, it seems that the tenant should be responsible for the cost. OP should check her lease for the agreement between lessee and lessor.