Broken window, what should I do?

Okay, sounds like a lame question, but I want to cut off any arguments with my landlord at the pass.

It was a gusty day today…I didn’t think it was THAT gusty, but when I came home from work (11pm), I found the bottom pane of my studio apartment’s window splayed across my bed, with shards of glass everywhere. I called the super, and he says he can’t do anything about it until tomorrow.

So, obviously, the window is faulty. If I’d been sleeping instead of working, I’d be picking shards of glass out of my head. But, is there any way they’ll make me pay to replace the window? I’m anticipating my grumpy super arguing with me tomorrow, and wondering if there’s any sort of law or bill of rights that I can counter with.

Incidentally, the window is still firmly in the groove of the sill at the bottom of the window, so it’s either leave it laying on my bed, or put it back up and risk sending the remaining shards of glass down to the sidewalk 8 stories below. This is lame.

Can you tape a garbage bag or something over it to keep the cold out?

A Super would have to have some pretty giant balls to try to make a tenant pay for a broken window that they didn’t break. Don’t start any arguments until after it’s fixed, though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, did the garbage bag thing Glad to hear your opinion on the super; I’ve never had to call him before. I kind of prided myself on being neither seen nor heard, Buster Bluth-style.