Bruce Lee Cut Short

I was watching a Bruce Lee movie on TV the other day called “Game of Death” or “Deadliest Game” or something like that. Anyway its the one where Bruce fights Kareem Abdul Jabbar at the end. I went out and bought the DVD afterward only to find that the fight scenes at the end were much shorter and therefore not nearly as good. Does anyone know why my DVD cut me short and/or how I could find the movie with the whole fight scenes?

Yes. It was cut short because Bruce died during filming. A channel, I want to say Biography, restored from unedited scenes, a longer version.

Interestingly, that movie has a lot of responsibility, along with Enter The Dragon, for the format of most fighting games.
You may be able to buy the full version shortly!

Bruce died midway through filming Game of Death, and a Frankenstein’s monster sort of version was cobbled together six years later using new cast members, body doubles for Bruce Lee and cardboard cutouts. No, really. Cardboard. The shortened version that you saw was most likely the original footage shot, which was really too short to maintain a coherent story line.

Thanks for the info. I guess I’ll look forward to the long version of the movie coming out someday.

A number of Bruce Lee films are in the public domain. There is a possiblity that this is a Public Domain DVD you picked up. I don’t know if there’s an authorized version of any of the films.

I point above at the link in the article I linked. Full version out this October on DVD.

Bruce Lee: A Warrior’s Journey.
I think I saw it on either A&E or AMC. It has been released on DVD, and it’s on the 2-disc “special edition” of Enter the Dragon.