Bruce Wayne-Fugitive: We're Coming Down to the End, Folks!

Well, I just picked up this week’s issue of Gotham Knights and the last page has a colossal spoiler that all but clinches who’s been setting up Bruce Wayne. Nah, I’m not even going to dignify this with a spoiler space. I am curious, however, if anybody out there wants to take a final stab at the who, what, and how.

Also, I’m wondering how in the heck Bruce will be vindicated without spoiling his Batman identity. I’ll say this: it’s a tough corner for him to get out of.

A TRIPLE post? Augh, I’m going to hell.

After this month’s Detective Comics, the bigger question in my mind is: OK, I understand Bruce went through the whole “I’m just Batman, Bruce Wayne is dead, so I don’t need to clear my name” thing. But what about Sasha? He doesn’t even try to help her! If it wasn’t for dying-retired-cop-guy knocking him out of his funk, he would’ve just let her rot! It was nice to see Alfred reassure her, but Bruce has some 'splaining to do…

After this month’s Detective Comics, the bigger question in my mind is: OK, I understand Bruce went through the whole “I’m just Batman, Bruce Wayne is dead, so I don’t need to clear my name” thing. But what about Sasha? He doesn’t even try to help her! If it wasn’t for dying-retired-cop-guy knocking him out of his funk, he would’ve just let her rot! It was nice to see Alfred reassure her, but Bruce has some 'splaining to do…

I just want to know if posting to this topic garners an automatic double post. Lessee.

Mu guess: Luthor. He’s got the smarts, the dough, and he has had a mad-on for Bruce Wayne ever since the No Man’s Land buisness

The only logical reason Batman wouldn’t try to exonerate Sasha is that he knows she is not innocent of the crime for which she is accused. It is absolutely opposite of Batman’s and Bruce Wayne’s nature to let an innocent person languish in prison or even face a trial unless he knows she is guilty. This one seems really obvious to me.

Taggert: Unless the writers cheated, we know it can’t be Sasha. As a matter of fact, she’s the only person we know is innocent. In the first part, the 10c special, the camera was on her at the time of the murder. (And Rucka’s a better writer than that)

Over the past ten years or so, Batman’s been written like more and more of a lunatic. A near-sociopath who doesn’t see anyone else as a person, just as at tool to be used. I think that Rucka and company are examining the consequences. His treatment of Sasha is right in line with his other behavior, little as I like it.

Like I said in another thread, I really hope that the writers use this storyline (which has gone on WAY too long, IMO) as a springboard to “fix” Batman. He’s driven,fine. But he’s not (or shouldn’t be) insane.

I’ll stand by my theory that Hugo Strange is behind everything, even though it’s looking less and less likely, since Hugo would’ve done something by now.


I really liked BW: Murderer because it was about the people, not the investigation. Most of Fugitive (what I’ve read – the chapters from 'Tec, GK, and Batgirl) is actually about the crime, and I’m not that interested (although the recent 'Tec and GK were good, because they were more character studies, like the BW:M issues).

I am really curious as to what will happen to Sasha. I just can’t see any conclusion which will be satisfying. The two options are she and Bruce reach rapproachment and she disappears happily, which seems really lame and cliched and out of character given what she’s suffered, or they don’t, there’s a brief fight, and she disappears unhappily, which is an anticlimax. The only thing I can see happening that will work for Sasha’s character is if Bruce unmasks and she’s hailed as the hero she really is, but I can’t imagine that’ll be happening.



Part 18 rocked!

but being that I only started reading the comics in the past year, I need a bit of help:

What’s the deal with this Cain guy? Who is he? If he’s Batgirl’s father, why isn’t he Asian? When did he teach Batman? Why did he turn himself in? (I know he didn’t break Bruce/Bats as he intended, but why confess?)

Oh, and why did Robin, Nightwing, and Barbara go after him with those two sticks? Is it some kinda weakness of his?

I suspect the answers are in No Man’s Land, right? I should probably pick up the TPBs. Is that all, or is there anything else I should read to get the scoop on him?

But in general:
Great wrap-up, IMHO. One heck of an emotional impact. Bruce at Vesper’s grave, the look on the whole “family’s” faces when he actually sorta kinda apologized. The final fight was really well drawn, too. The clues seem to fit together pretty well, I’ll have to re-read the whole thing to see if there are any screw-ups.

I ask again: what about Sasha?!?!??!
I guess with Cain’s confession, she’s obviously not an accomplice, but I wanna see her reaction, and her next encounter with Bruce. I guess it’ll be in the next issue of 'Tec, but I wanna know NOW! :slight_smile:


Part 18 rocked!

but being that I only started reading the comics in the past year, I need a bit of help:

What’s the deal with this Cain guy? Who is he? If he’s Batgirl’s father, why isn’t he Asian? When did he teach Batman? Why did he turn himself in? (I know he didn’t break Bruce/Bats as he intended, but why confess?)

Oh, and why did Robin, Nightwing, and Barbara go after him with those two sticks? Is it some kinda weakness of his?

I suspect the answers are in No Man’s Land, right? I should probably pick up the TPBs. Is that all, or is there anything else I should read to get the scoop on him?

But in general:
Great wrap-up, IMHO. One heck of an emotional impact. Bruce at Vesper’s grave, the look on the whole “family’s” faces when he actually sorta kinda apologized. The final fight was really well drawn, too. The clues seem to fit together pretty well, I’ll have to re-read the whole thing to see if there are any screw-ups.

I ask again: what about Sasha?!?!??!
I guess with Cain’s confession, she’s obviously not an accomplice, but I wanna see her reaction, and her next encounter with Bruce. I guess it’ll be in the next issue of 'Tec, but I wanna know NOW! :slight_smile:

This thread’s double-post curse continues… sorry.

bump, hoping for answers now that people may have read the issue.