The classic example of the kind of thing I’m thinking about is, “I’m not fat…I’m big-boned!” Mmm, yeah…big-boned… :dubious:
What other BS excuses have you heard?
General thread disclaimer: yes, sometimes - or even OFTEN - the excuse is not BS. There are people who are big-boned, or are “just bad test-takers,” or what have you. But sometimes they’re just BS.
This is what people say a lot when they want to get healthy but don’t want to prioritize healthy behaviors.
I’m not saying it’s easy, especially if you’re a working parent, but both of our last two Presidents have made it a point to exercise daily. I tell myself, if the damned President can find the time, I can too!
I used to work with people who delivered telephone directories and what my father said was true: Nothing is more detrimental to a grandmothers health than her grandchild delivering phone books.
It would not fail - every delivery, somebody would try to get out of the route they’re delivering because of an “emergency” involving their poor, sweet grandma. (We’d usually let them out of their contracts, of course. If we didn’t, they’d end up trashing the books.)
From a female: “You’re a nice guy” means “I don’t want to have sex with you”
From a male: “I’m not over my last girlfriend” means “I’ll have sex with you but I don’t want commitment”
From a female: “I think of you as a brother” means “I don’t want to have sex with you”.
From a male: “I think of you as a sister” means “I want to have sex with you, and incest fantasies turn me on”.
“…but I *will *hook up with some random guy over the weekend and make sure you know about it. I’ll actually call you up while drunk and tell you all about it.”
A friend of mine hasn’t been to a dentist in over a decade, and (not coincidently) he’s having problems with his teeth. He says he “can’t afford to go to the dentist every six months for a cleaning and checkup,” yet he has money for booze, motorcycles, hunting equipment, and lots of other toys.
Fact is, he can afford to go to the dentist, but chooses to spend his money on other things.
I think it means “There are lots of things I don’t like about you and rather than spell them all out and crush your ego I’m going to take the high road and blame the lack of progression on the relationship directly upon me so I don’t have to listen to your feeble attempts at reconciliation and that you’ll somehow change.”
Dude, this is wack! (did I say that right?) In order to make any sense of this, I have to assume you mean: “You should take personal responsibility for your life (and not expect handouts)” = “Screw you, I’ve got mine, and you’re not getting any.”
Other than that, most applications of the term “personal responsibility” seem to me to be quite cromulent. Like that those teenagers who trashed that ex-NFL player’s house should take personal responsibility for their actions and do something to make amends.
One that crops up a lot in art class: “That’s what a horse looks like to me.”
One that my old boss used to use a lot: “Just make it work. We can make it pretty later.” Yeah, and later never came. We had a lot of kludges hanging around.
“Nobody will notice.” Not so! I noticed, didn’t I?
“Nobody cares about grammar and spelling any more.” Some don’t, but some do.
“I’m doing the best I can.” This one is often true, but still a BS excuse. He should have asked for help the moment he realized he wasn’t going to be able to complete the assignment on time and/or budget. Waiting until failure is imminent is not doing the best he can.
“Its your own fault…”
(which means “I’m an Asshat who is shrugging off responsibility for being called on my own Asshattery”.)
“Well, what did you expect?”
(which means, "I’m an ignorant shallow tool who throws people under the bus for shallow laughs because I have no spine, no common sense, no sense of self worth, and otherwise just a truly shitty human being.)
“I still don’t understand.” said with a smirk & a wink to other people
(Which means “I do understand but I’m trying to exert power over you by making you explain it to me. Again.” Note: This is Very easily fixed by a quick kick to the balls and the retort, “…get it now…?” Add the word ‘bitch’ to flavor, YMMV.)
I get the feeling that a lot of times, someone doesn’t want to do something and blames it on their SO. And their SO might not know that it was even an option. Sometimes this ends up making the SO look bad.