BSG Season 3: Ramp Up!

Alright, so I’m terribly stoked for the show to return. I’ve been following the webisodes and just this morning nabbed the BSG Season 2.0 DVD pack though I need to wait a week to get me the 2.5.

However I’m soooo ready for Season 3. I’ve been rewatching all the episodes. Anyone else doing this? Anything new you’re noticing?

~ IG

I found the webisodes rather pointless; I think that a short 20-minute episode distributed over the internet would tell the story much better than a handful of tenuously connected two-minute scenes.

Wow, I guess the BSG threads are going to be pretty sparse this season. I had expected a much bigger response.

~ IG

Well, some of us actually had to do some real work today. Sorry if it inconveniences you. :slight_smile:


I thought the upcoming new episodes were being styled “season 2.5”?

Nope. We’ve already had our 20 episodes for season two.

Three’s a-comin baby!


Season 2.5 is the second half of season 2. It’s coming out on DVD. Season 3 starts on SciFi this October.

What is there to say besides “can’t wait can’t wait can’t wait can’t wait”?

So does anyone know if they’re going to release the complete season 2 on DVD here in the US, like they already have in the UK?

I’m with you!!!

Don’t worry, the threads will be just as good as always when the season ramps back up, we’re just trying to supress our excitement so we don’t get too disappointed when we realize it’s still a whole frackin’ month away!!!


By the gods people, you fracking scared the crap out of me. And you’re right, my odd work schedule has me expecting people to be online and surfing SDMB when I am.

In response to season 2.5 - Nope! This is season 3. Season 2.5 is for sale on DVD on Amazon.

DVDs in the US - you can buy the season 2 dvds in two parts (6 dvds). I just snagged Season 2.0 this morning. The second half of the season (those done after the break) are released as Season 2.5. I don’t know of any plans to release them all in one set.

And to make you all jealous. I sat on the couch and watched eight episodes of Season 2 today :slight_smile: - Two glorious DVDs of BSG. God I love this show.

  • IG

Well the second half of season 2 is out tomorrow both in Canada and the United States. Really looking forward to watching the second half of Pegasus tomorrow night!

Baited breath for season 3. I was not a fan of the season 2 ending.

I wouldn’t have believed it, when I heard a few years ago that they were making a new version of “Battlestar Galactica” – that not only would it be interesting, but that I’d see a promo for the new season and say, “Kickass!”

They won’t show it in Canada until god knows when so I’m trying not to think about it.

I got the BSG 2.5 DVDs last night and immediately watched the extended “Pegasus.”

Holy shit.

Anybody else seen it yet?

No I haven’t yet. I’m hoping my dad will pony up for 2.5 so I don’t have to buy it myself. But if he doesn’t I will.

~ IG

There’s a hell of a lot of extra stuff in it.

Might even be worth a thread of its own, if you’d prefer I not hijack this one.

I really disliked the season 2 finale, but I’m still curious to see if it was just a bad transition to a decent new storyline. I’m willing to give it a few episodes before I pass judgement. I’ve liked so much of what has gone before that I’m not willing to write off the whole show yet.

To be more specific, I rather like the ideas underpinning the start of season 3. A resistance has interesting possibilities for stories, as does the pair of battlestars that are understaffed and cut off from the people they’re supposed to protect. It’s just that the lead-in was so poorly paced and sloppy that I’m suspicious of what’s coming next. I hope that the creators don’t get too caught up in trying to be clever and different and instead focus on telling the story well. I don’t mind them trying new things from time to time – that’s part of good storytelling, after all. But the last new thing they tried (the abrupt change of pacing and plot) failed pretty miserably in my eyes, and I worry a bit that they might get too carried away with novelty at the expense of the story.

Season 3 is premiering in Canada on Saturday, October 7, 2006 on SPACE at 9:00pm as far as I know.

What did those who watched it on TV and can’t afford the DVDs miss?