Bucks New University. Good school?

Mrs. Cad is thinking of doing her degree atBuckinghamshire New University. Here in the colonies, British Universities are either highly regarded (Oxbridge, Warwick, Univ of London) or no one knows anything about them.

However, we may move to London next year (I applied for QTS in both maths and SEN) so what is the reputation of BNU in England (and yes I know England is different than Britain or the UK).

Wikipedia reports how Bucks New was ranked by four different college guides.

The Guardian has an online university guide with lots of details.

Yeah I saw that. I was wondering how BritDopers view BNU.

I may be going out on a limb here but I think most British people have never heard of Bucks New University. It only gained university status in 2007 and I’m not sure what it was before then (I would have assumed it was a polytechnic- that is, a college that focuses on professional vocational degrees rather than strictly academic disciplines). That isn’t very long for it to establish a reputation.

My sister-in-law is an in-house accountant for a major UK educational charity which works with higher education and she’s never heard of it.

It was a university college until 2007.

Yep, never heard of it. From what has been said so far it is probably several places cobbled together into one mega establishment so that it can scrape into University status. At least it hasn’t gone for an excessively poncy name in the process (Simon de Montfort University I’m looking at you).

Ooh, ouch, just looked at Wikipedia and the name is not a good thing it seems, there is a highly ranked University of Buckingham. Couldn’t be any profitable confusion there could there?