Bufflo wings in bacon fat

I am now making hot wings fried in bacon fat. It takes sooooo long to get enough bacon fat to deep fry the wings, but man is it worth it. these are the best wings that I know of. easy to make, fry them up, dip in cyane pepper sauce, and bake it on.
and what about all that fat…
well 1st I couldn’t care less, and second this is how I eat and my bloodwork shows I’m doing fine in fact better then I did following a low fat diet (which I could never stick to anyway) so I switched to a low carb diet about 5 yrs ago, and love it. Who said that no one can stick to that type of diet???
I didn’t intend this to be a promo for the low carb diet, but I thought I would pre-defend the high and ‘unhealty’ fat point.
can’t wait till them wings are ready :wink:

hmm… I agree… Fat foods RULE!
however, I have to watch my fat also (it might get too low)
it’s at 4.28% and my cholesterol is 88… Whoops :slight_smile:

the 1st batch is in the oven, and the second is now frying.

getting the bluecheese dressing ready now

For the love of God, man, stop it, stop it, STOP IT!!!

You’re torturing me!

I haven’t been to Buffalo in over a year. There just ain’t no decent wings in the whole state of California.

Thanks a lot, bastard! Now I’m sitting here at work, with an hour to go and my stomach grumbling like hell. Feels like there’s a rock in there. Then, when I get home, dinner won’t be for another few hours, as I am making a turkey roast…shit…I’m soooo hungry! Can I just have one of those wings? One??? PLEASE!!!
I’m about to gnaw one of my patient’s arms off right now…see ya later…

sniff sniff
mmmmmmmmmmm…bacon fat…ahhhh, I can feel my arteries hardening already…


whoops, forgot that cap lock key.

hey, Democritus, give me your fax number, and i’ll fax one to ya :wink:

Well, k2dave, I don’t want to sound like I don’t think you are the numero uno maker of hot wings in the world, but my money is on Democritus. He discussed his hot wings in another thread, and was kind enough to email me the recipe when I asked.

I am a rabid hot wings fan, and am always seeking the best hot wings recipe in the universe.

I made Demo’s for a BBQ I went to recently, and they are TO DIE FOR! Before that, I had never found any better than the ones I made myself(excuse immodesty, please, as I dethroned myself after making Demo’s.) I threw my recipe away, and for now and forever I shall be using-

Demo’s I’m on Fire Hot Wings!

Of course, few people at the BBQ had more than one, but then some people just don’t know how to live. I do admit to sub[/sub] overdoing the peppers [sub]just a tad,[/sub] but then that is how I like them, so I don’t plan to change the basic recipe one iota.

Demo rules! The man can COOK, baby!


PS I am sure yours are good, too.

Scotti, flattery will get you…EVERYWHERE! :wink:

Thanks so much for your commendation. I’m really glad you liked them. Luckily, there aren’t many people that can handle the heat (I put a ton of peppers in mine too.) so, more for us!!!

[but my money is on Democritus. ]
maybe Demo can fax me one of his one day.

All I know is that my wings are damm good. If there are better ones out there, then great :), I.m not in competition, just a wing lover :wink:

Psst Demo-Actually, the fact that other people can’t handle the heat of these supermarvelous hotwings is a PLUS, 'cuz you can skip all the BORING stuff-not that I mean to suggest that pasta salad isn’t great, it cleans the palate in between hotwings really well-and no one dares to suggest that you aren’t an awesome cook, because they don’t want to admit that they couldn’t handle the heat and therefore opted out!

:Mischievious grin:

Thanks again, honey! If you make these for your lovely lady very often, you may end up with a redhead-which would be all good, no?

OOPS-Upon re-reading this, I am afraid that you may think that I think you should end up with a DIFFERENT honey:

What I meant is that your current beautiful Psycat’s hair may turn red.

Sheesh, how do I get into these messes?

I got you the first time, don’t worry. :wink:

Actually, she is a redhead sometimes…

Woo Woo!

Bacon wrapped chicken livers

This is very similar to rumaki without the water chestnuts.

You will need chicken livers, bacon and soy or teriaki sauce,

Wrap each liver in 1/2 slice bacon and secure with toothpick.

Place on cookie sheet in single layer. Brush with sauce. Cook in 400 degree oven until bacon starts to get crispy. Brush with more sauce to taste and enjoy.

Good for both you and her. Of course I have a personal bias, being a redhead myself, but I worry lots about people on the board misunderstanding me. Seems to happen more than I would like, and I am probably too sensitive about stuff.

So here I go again, screwing up-but how does your lovely Psycat go red?

She is entirely beautiful as she is!


How? Not sure what you mean this time? :wink:

Ummm, with hair dye?

I agree, she is entirely beautiful as she is…and, not to hijack the thread, may I say she’s finger-lickin’ good!!??

[sub]That’s not what I meant you sickos![/sub] :wink:


When I was in college in upstate NY (not quite Buffalo) there was a dining hall with wing night every Friday. We used to spend the afternoon getting baked and the evening scarfing down dozens of hot wings (with cheese fries). Oh man…forget that it was a dining hall, they totally had it right…Open Pit hot sauce, butter and tabasco.

subconsciously licking fingers