Sounds like Joss is involved, but not writing the scripts or showrunning it.
Hard pass. So hard. This is automatically getting filed with the sequel to “Highlander” and midichlorians.
The article sounds like it could be a sequel and not a reboot. A reboot sounds like a bad idea, a sequel could be interesting and it would potentially allow guest spots from everyone’s favorite witch perhaps.
Agreed. I hate the way people seem to misuse the word reboot these days. The description talks about furthering the lore, which heavily implies that it’s set in the same universe and timeline as the original.
That said, the previous show ended with all potential Slayers being activated, including some Slayers being activated when they turned of age. So, unless there are tons of Slayers out there, or a huge Slayer massacre and the spell undone, I’m not sure how this would fit.
I can’t see any reason for a “hard pass.” If they’d described changes that would make it worse, I could see it, but I don’t see it. I don’t see how you can judge it as being a bad sequel before you’ve seen it.
Fox 21 TV Studios.
I love all of Whedon’s creative works, but for the involvement of this company alone, pass.
Yay if new characters in the same continuity. Nay if proper reboot.
There is a canonical continuation of the show in comic form that deals with a world with multiple slayers. The comics are of varied quality, but they show that the universe can still make sense with tons of slayers.
With that many slayers out there, wouldn’t the vamps become an endangered “species”?
I thought untrained Slayers working on their own had a fairly low life expectancy? Buffy did so well (besides plot armor) as she had the Scoobies help her as she learned.
The original show explored every conceivable plot. Really, they beat the premise to death.
It ran at least 2 seasons too long.
Maybe if they can recapture the feel of the early seasons? Remember the scoobies hanging out at The Bronze? The wonderful and original music? It was a hip show at the time.
The show lost that magic in later seasons.
They have to recreate a new scobby gang and make the characters hip and relevant for todays audience. Focus on teen culture and create original music.
Don’t get too serious and depressing like the original did in the later seasons.
Ugh. Why not a Fray series instead? Or another different slayer in the past or future?
It looks like it will be just that - a future slayer. Not the far future, to be sure. But not of Buffy’s era. Contemporary (2019+).
Still going to be a hard pass from me.
It’s not happening anymore, at least not for awhile. In case anyone still thought it was.
A couple-three years back the rights for Buffyish comics moved from Dark Horse to Boom! Studios. Boom! is doing interesting things with it
(all open spoilers ahead)
Exploring multiple timelines/universes. The first title was a reboot set in today that involved the classic characters but new backstories/personalities. Willow was always gay, Cordelia was poor but a genuinely outgoingly friendly person, Robin Wood was the same age as the Scoobies and a legacy watcher-in-training, etc. It seemed like a strict reboot for a while but then started crossing over to other timelines, including the classic one. (There was also an Angel/Spike series that crossed over with it)
That series recenly finished and they’ve started another where thanks to a magic mishap Willow is the (struggling) Slayer and Buffy has no memory of being anything other than a sidekick.
Then there was an Old Woman Buffy limited series (actually called Buffy the Last Vampire Slayer) with an elderly Buffy in a True-Bloodish world where vampires are out, supposedly peaceful, and slaying one would be a crime.
A recent Angel limited series had Angel and Cordellia starring in a TV version of Angel (but nobody knows that it is “based on a true story”). In that one, Buffy died almost as soon as she became a slayer and nobody knew her. In that timeline Fred is the Slayer. (It also has Gunn, Lorne, Oz, a souled Spike, and Andrew.)
The most recent title is Buffy '97, which is an alternate timeline of the classic characters in the early days of the series.
The various series can be pretty good at times (and less good at others). They could stand to hire better artists, though. I had a very hard time telling lots of the characters apart from each other (or recognizing them as their TV actors) in the main run.