BugMeNot.com shut down?

I’m not sure if this belongs here in GQ, or in IMHO, but since it has a factual answer, I’ll put it here.

Has bugmenot.com been shut down? Was it for legal reasons? Any news?

Looks that way, but I can find no information about why on Google News or other sources. Google’s cache of pages from bugmenot.com don’t shed any light, either.

Interesting, the site loads for me now but its only a bear bones creation with a couple of folders. Looks like a technical problem for now but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were hacked or shut down by some kind of legal action. Nothing in the news right now though.

What is/was bugmenot.com?

It was a service that collected registration passwords for various websites that required free registration for access, such as many newspapers. It allowed users to view the content of said sites while remaining anonymous, and not having to bother with a lengthy or intrusive registration process.