Burned Limo in D.C. - I gather they don't like Trump?

Ironically, it appears that the limo burned by anti-Trump protesters was driven by a Latino man and owned by a Muslim immigrant.

The not so proper thing to do in response to imagined future violence from one’s political opponents is to assault people, attack the police, smash businesses, and burn property now.

Burning people’s stuff, pshawww… how about trying to set people on fire?


These “rants” which are all similar is content I would think belong all in one thread.


We need ore emoticons like “shaking head” or “face palms” :D:D

FOOTBALL TEAM NAME! yeah that’s all upper case.

I’m delighted to hear the majority of the 230 protesters arrested will face felony prison time and up to $25K in fines. This is appropriate and puts a big smile on my face. :slight_smile:

How did interrupting the inauguration go for ya, shithead? After you get out and spend the next decade begging ‘cause you can’t get a job or apartment, be sure and let us know how that protestin’ thing is workin’ out.

You’re exactly right, it’s terrible how people these days think they have a right to assemble peacefully! This sort of behavior is absolutely unheard of throughout history.

Rioting, setting things on fire, and breaking windows is “peaceful”? :dubious:

False flag! These “protestors” we’re all Trump stooges. Sad.

It sure looked like Azile was responding to the comment dismissing the protests.

Except that among those who are being charged are journalists, medics, attorneys and observers. In short, some of the 230 people being charged were not protesters or rioters.

What’s wrong with you?

I’m sure that an unemployable homeless guy pissed at the system is MUCH less likely to set things on fire or break windows.

No worries, we’ll stir up public sentiment against them so they can’t get a fair trial, convict them in a kangaroo court, and use their convictions as proof that all liberals are criminals. Works every time. In fact, it’s working right now from some of the posts I’ve read on this thread.