Burning Man 2009 Pics


Here are my 2009 NSFW Burning Man pictures.


Did I mention that these are NSFW?

In a couple of days I’ll stick some stuff on Youtube.

Are people generally amenable to letting you hop into their art cars and ride around a bit? How does the etiquette for this work? How long is it reasonable to lounge in one of them while its driving around if you don’t know the people that made it, etc?

Neat pics. Thanks. Seemed like great fun. Should’ve gone!

That look so fun…I really want to do that one of these days. What’s with the baby on pg 15?

Cool photos. A few people I know just got back, and this is pretty much how I pictured it.

My guess re: the Jesus fish code? ‘If you could read this you’d be evolved by now.’

You can just hop on and off a lot of them. Some of the bigger and more fancy ones have lines waiting to get on. It’s kind of like the big clubs with the velvet rope and doorman out front only letting people in when someone leaves.

As to how long you can stay I’m not sure. I’ve never ridden one more than a few minutes. My guess is that it’s sort of self regulating. What happens is group X with a kick ass ride that looks like the Golden Gate Bridge gets full pretty quick. They are all dancing, drinking, etc then the driver decides to stop for a while because he sees something he wants to do. So there it sits until the driver feels like moving on. In the meantime when the bar and music shut down most of the people just mosey off.

I’ve always wanted to go. But the cost and distance are too great.

Great album, you have a knack for taking interesting photos.

Nice. Thanks for sharing.

Wow! Thanks so much for sharing your photos. I looked at the previous ones you posted from 2007 in another thread and loved them.

My favorites are:

The bone tree
Guy passing out abortions
Barbie Death Camp & Wine Bistro
The wooden temple (amazing!!)
Bad Advice Camp
The wolf guy
The moon pic
IHOFT (International House of Folk Tales)

Some questions, how did you make your costume? Was it hard to see through the beads? Were you hot?

It looked especially windy and dusty on some days. How much of a problem was this? It created a cool effect in the night-time photos when the flash reflected off the dust and it looks like snow.

How hot were the days, and how cold the nights? Did it get too hot to sleep early in the mornings?

Serious question: Were there any fat people there? All your photos are of people with beautiful bodies (and faces). Maybe you just took photos of the best-looking ones, but damn that is the highest concentration of good-looking people in one place I have ever seen! I also have to wonder how the topless women prevented sunburn on their nipples; lots of sunscreen, I hope!

I only saw two pictures of kids (one baby). How many kids were there?

How far did you travel to get there, and were you there alone or with friends? What was your camp like, did you have a tent? Did you bring a lot of supplies or just rely on getting them from generous people there?

I see the traffic to get in was long, but what was it like leaving?

That’s all I can think of for now, but I am sure I will have more questions later. Burning Man looks so incredible and I have been wanting to go for some time now, and I am going to start planning NOW to go next year!

A bunch of friends of mine went, they ran a club called “Planet Earth”, an 80’s disco.

I am nowhere near cool enough to go, though. sigh

Me too. I’ll make it one of these years.

Making the costume wasn’t hard, a little time consuming though. I have three. The one with all the beads was the easiest. I got a lot of the beads from a local casino that had a Mardi Gras theme. Just start sewing them on then later find all kinds of cheap plastic crap at a costume shop in Columbus, Ohio and sew them on also. It’s the kind of work that goes well with beer and TV. And Yeah, it was hot, damn hot, and damn heavy.

This year was cooler and less windy than either 07 or 08. But it was still over 90 every day and the wind, and thus the dust, was pretty much constant during the day. The nights can be very cool, probably in the 50s.

Actually it’s just a very good looking crowd. There are certainly a lot more fat, old, unattractive people there than the pictures would suggest. But if I want to see old, fat, unattractive people all I have to do is look in the mirror.

There is one big camp called Kidsville. It’s for families. They block off a big area and leave the interior open for the children to play. No idea how many kids were there.

I live in Carson City so it only took about 3 hours to get to Gerlach which is the nearest town. I borrowed a 1976 12’ camper from a friend. It was a very basic trailer to say the least. It did serve to keep the dust off me at night until I forgot to close the windows one day. A big step down from the 29’ 5th wheel I took the previous two years. You have to bring everything with you, EVERYTHING!!! There is nothing there for sale but coffee and ice. Even though Gerlach is only 10 miles away you’d have 4 hours invested in getting there and back and you have to pay a $20 readmittance fee. I think you could go there with nothing and do allright but you would have to plan the whole day around being where you needed to be when you needed to be there in order to eat. There were a number of places feeding folks but the menus were limited to say the least and they were only open for short, oddly spaced times.

It’s about 3 miles from Black Rock City to the Highway and it took me well over 2 hours to get onto blacktop.