Bush Administration denies benefits to wounded Iraq veterans

It shouldn’t be a problem, period.

I can’t imagine the amount of envelopes, toner and stamps I’d go through if I lived down there.

He rah-rah’ed for someone who pointed out a factual error on a website devoted to fighting ignorance. If you can find me a place where he dismisses the truthful elements of the article, I will applaud your efforts.

And what factual error did you imagine he pointed out?

“Bush Sucks screed” = drive-by dismissal. Q.E.D.

He rah-rah’ed for someone else who did. That someone else was Zoe, who pointed out that the assertion that we are talking about wounded soldiers is unfounded by the OP’s link.

And insulting people who ignore it when factual errors are pointed out in preference for continuing their target bashing is called an “insult” not a dismissal. He insulted you. That’s different from dismissing the topic.

I’ll just note that the reason I’m being a hard-ass on this point is due to this recent thread:

Unless things have changed, the sole psychological “test”, if you want to call it that, is a brief interview with a psychiatrist. During my induction physical, I talked to the psychiatrist for a grand total of maybe 10 minutes, during which time he asked me if I was a lesbian.

I do know, however, that people entering certain specialties are subjected to more in-depth screenings and so forth. Unfortunately, there is a world of difference between clearing someone based on a screening and someone who ends up with PTSD or some other psychological disorder that developed because of or during combat or some other extreme situation.

In my experience, PD is sort of a catch-all for a lot of things, not necessarily a formal Axis II diagnosis. In fact, it’s been described to me (because I was threatened with discharged based on it) as “does not play well with others.” But because it’s considered “pre-existing”, it absolves the military of a lot of responsibility.


The link specifically detailed a soldier wounded in Iraq who was denied benefits. Where is the error?

the implication that all/most/many of those denied benefits under pre-existing PD were also wounded in battle.

You should look up the difference between ‘imply’ and ‘infer’. No where did I say that all/most/many of the Chapter 5-13 denials were wounded Iraq vets. It is undeniable that some of them are. It was also reported that the practice is increasing beyond the normal expectations of professionals in the field.

How many does it take to get you care about our troops?

As wring says, the implication from the thread title is that soldiers are being denied benefits due to their wounds. Now it might be true that that is the case, but a sample of one doesn’t prove that. All it might prove is that it’s easier to find someone to interview in the medical ward than it is elsewhere on the military base.

Well which did you think when you wrote the title? If you didn’t mean it to sound like that, and didn’t mean to imply that we were talking about specifically wounded soldiers, then alright. But as a kindly note, it does seem to imply that, so you might want to ask for a title change.

That’s irrelevant. As pointed out in the Pagan thread, pointing out factual errors is entirely separate from opinions as to the topic at hand.

and a hearty fuck you back atchya. You asked a question, I answered it. did you happen to notice my reply to ** bricker**? the one where I said it was reprehensible to send mentally ill soldiers into battle at all?

Didn’t we do this topic here?

At least the conversation in that thread might prove educational in this one.


Sample of one? Go back and read the article again. In addition to Town, the article related the similar experiences of Richard Dykstra, William Wooldridge and Chris Mosier. Then there is this:

What does that imply to you, if not a pattern of abuse that goes far beyond a “pattern of one”?

Sorry. Must have missed it. I apologize.

fair 'nuff, “fuck you” retracted.

Well, he may not have meant it exactly that way; the terseness of his post may lead to ambiguities in meaning. In all fairness, he does have to economize; he can’t type as fast, one-handed, while the other hand is occupied in giving Bush a cock massage.

Well, he serves at the pleasure of the President…

How exactly does one “suck a screed”?