Bush has it so far 185-182

Yep, they “uncalled” Florida.

Bush 217 Gore 167

I feel sick to my stomach. Mind you, I’m sick anyway, but it’s a throat & chest thing, not a stomach thing.

I was under the impression that Gore was going to take California without too much trouble.

Also, FL being put on “too-close-to-call” status nearly gave me a “Dick Cheney.” :smiley:

Bush’s antecedent impresario of a mistle-toe based sheath is edging forefully.

Bush 217 Gore 172 (Gore gained NM)

AOL updates has it at:

Gore - 179
Bush - 176

friggin’ stupid ass bush i’m gonna puke four goddamn years of a prick in the white house i can’t believe it gore would have won if the stupid southern states weren’t so prejudiced against a jew in the white house that’s a fact that’s a fact that’s a fact jack

Leaving work tonight with my best friends, who were teasing me about Bush being our next president (people can be so cruel), and one of them said the main reason she’s voting for Bush is because Gore will make parent-teacher conferences eligible for Family Medical Leave. (The FMLA is already a bitch to manage.)

My snappy comeback was something I heard in a Gore ad about the minimum wage in Texas.

Neither of us know (knows? Spofsky, where are you?) what we’re doing. Sad, huh?

225:230 in favor of Gore.

Oh please oh please stay ahead Gore! Don’t let the shrub take the lead again… my poor heart can’t take it…

George W. Bush (REP) 27843024 48.8 217
Albert Gore (DEM) 27414686 48 231
Nader at 2.3 percent

George W. Bush (REP) 37,486,639 49 28 242
Al Gore (DEM)        36,852,053 48 18 242

72% of precincts reporting, and FL’s still uncalled.

Dear Moron,

It’s more of a “What have you done for me lately?” Thing. Republicans have been better for us overall than Democrats.
This with Clinton in the Big House 8 years.

Please, don’t throw out baseless insults again. It’s not “a fact jack”.

MSNBC has it tied right now, 242-242, and that’s with Florida still uncalled.

Am I the only one that finds it a bit odd that the only state that’s been uncalled happens to be Florida? The state with GWB’s brother as it’s governor? I mean, they called all the rest of the states right away. And the only state that the Republicans actually asked to be uncalled is Florida. Kinda weird.

And just what is up in Missouri? That is some freakin’ weird stuff. Any Missourians out there that can fill us in?

The news reports I heard basically said that the when the first polling data came out, it fit in with what the exit polls showed- a Gore lead. So the networks predicted a Gore win. But then the returns started turning more and more in Bush’s favor, so the networks realized they had jumped the gun, and put the state back in “too close to call”. One of the networks postulated that the reason their exit polls were so off was because Florida had a large absentee ballot percentage which was being counted along with the regular ballots, and that the absentee ballots were heavily Bush. Obviously, if they were absentee ballots, there wasn’t anyone at the voting booth to poll, so the polls were biased in Gore’s favor.

As of the last time I checked, it’s 242-242, and it all comes down to Florida. Which, given the questions of out-of-the-country absentee ballots, and possible ‘hijinks’ with some of the ballot boxes (why were those Dade County boxes missing for four hours?), it may be days or even weeks before we get a full and accurate Florida count.

Unless, of course, the side which loses decides not to call anything into question. Should that happen, I will need to buy open-seated trousers to accomodate the monkeys flying out of my butt.
It’s 1:00 AM, and I’m going the hell to bed. If Gore wins, congratulations; if Bush wins, please do me the favor of not whining and I’ll do you the favor of not gloating.

Actually, at this point it’s florida +1 and at 1:37, Bush has his 1 (Nevada) but Gore has closed most of the gap in Florida, with the heavily Democratic Dade and Broward Counties with the slow reports.

It’s going to be interesting.

SWEET MOTHER OF GOD this is tense! They just took Florida BACK again, saying after 99.9% of the vote, there was ONLY 1200 vote margin with 6000 uncounted! ACK!

With MO, since he was already on the ballot, Carnahan cannot be removed. The acting Governor will appoint Carnahan’s replacement since he won. Ms. Carnahan is expected to be appointed.

It’s MO law.
