This is possibly an ignorant question. My understanding of the Bush tax plan was that he mostly lowered the rates, but left the Altertnative Minimum Tax in place. This would seem to mean that for someone paying the AMT, the tax change will have no effect - his base tax will go down, but his AMT will go up by a corresponding amount.
And I also thought that the rebate checks now being sent out were merely the result of retroactively applying the Bush plan for 2000. (Maybe this is wrong, now that I think about it). If these assumptions are both true, then anyone who paid an AMT in 2000 should get no refund.
So I expected no refund, having paid a couple of hundred $ of AMT in 2000. But I just got a notice in the mail to expect a $600 check for Uncle Sam. Where am I going wrong? Possibly many places.