I’m kind of familar with XP, and although it’s a much better OS overall than previous Windows versions, I’m not really all that knowledgeable about the low level nuts and bolts stuff when things blow up.
I have an XP box in front of me (my kids at my ex’s house) that keeps giving a busted registry error when booting. I have removed and replaced all cards/components (sound/video/NIC/RAM) and the registry error keeps re-settting the PC.
Safe mode booting, and last known good config booting does not help, it still re-sets. I tried using recovery console, and the registry error keeps stopping the process dead. I don’t want to have to format the disk as my kids have not backed up data saved on the disk, and have lots of installs, but I can’t figure out any way to get around this busted registry issue.
I guess I’m kind of surprised that there is no option or process in this scenario short of a format > re-install that will fix the registry. If I slave the drive with the busted registry to known good XP machine is there a windows utility that can fix the registry?
Thanks for link. I tried it but recovery console keeps re-booting with registry error notice right after I choose which windows install to use and goes BSOD with the note about the registry error before line edit options come up.
I have used this many times. Normally, it preserves all your programs and settings. However, if you really have a “busted” registry, then this option might not work; still, you might try it as a last resort short of a clean install.
I tried (method 2) this numerous times. It keeps hitting the registry BSOD error wall. I wonder if I’m mis-interpreting what this error is indicating. I’m assuming it’s reading in and hanging with the existing (broken) XP registry. Is it possible that it’s generating a new registry and this is also hanging? Not sure what’s happening registry wise in this re-install made.
The file the system is hanging on in safe mode bootup before BSODing seems to be “amdagp.sys” which is a AMD Win2000 AGP Filter. Switching video cards to a PCI non-Nvidia model makes no difference from the existing AGP TNT2 Nvidia based card. Still breaks in the same place.
I’m going to slave it as a drive D to a good system and see if I can force the registry file replacements QED’s fix calls for. If that fails it’s time for format > re-install.
Just a shot in the dark…
Have you tried putting a PCI video card in the computer and removing the agp card? Reboot it…if it works… delete the amdagp.sys, turn off the computer, put the agp video card back in, and see how it goes?
Go in to safe mode, go find amdagp.sys. Once you find it, delete it. Reboot and see if system hangs. Hopefully not. You’ll have to reinstall your video card drivers.
Worth a try?
Lastly… and I do mean lastly…look up your bios version. Perhaps it needs to be flashed?
If even Recovery Console doesn’t work, then try slaving it as Drive D like you say, deleting “amdagp.sys” et al., and then Repair. That failing, try Q.E.D.'s method. That failing, I’m out of ideas…
Hey! When you say re-sets… do you mean reboots?
If so…
Take the side off and take a good look at the capacitors. (They look like AAA batteries set on end) Do all the ends look bright, shiny and flat? We don’t want to see any discoloration or bulging.
[hijack]Fabulous links Frankenstein Monster. Thanks so much. I’ve bookmarked those.
I’ve had to replace, no less than 3 motherboards in the past year, due to capacitors. 2 of them, IBM machines… which I swear is because of the poor case design and heat build up. But some boards are just prone to them.
I see there’s a whole section on how to repalce them. I’ll be taking a good read through that. I’ve always thought it should be an easy enough fix. Apparently not around here…as I’ve not been able to find anyone to do it. [/hijack]