Butt-Hurt Trump Takes to Twitter Again (Part 1)

And Biden’s still answering questions, we just can’t hear out here in TV-land.

He wasn’t on the NBC affiliate that I get. It was pretty much just local news.

Any ratings estimates yet?

None of those questions is even slightly “tough”. It is obvious on the face of it that white supremacy is bad, Q-Anon are kooks, and the administration’s response to the pandemic was a fiasco.

All too true; The only problem is all those other crazy uncles out there watching this and pounding the arms of their chairs and shouting, “Yeah, tell it like it is, Mr. President!”

of course they aren’t. I was quoting somone commenting on the FOX news page. FOX now has the debate as their main story.

Again, poor Trump. If you can’t stand the heat, get the fuck out of the White House.

is any of this going to move the needle at all?

One of the “questioners” on the Individual 1 town hall told him he’s handsome when he smiles.

IIRC these were supposed to be undecided voters.

The only way one can be undecided this late in the game is to be a wavering Trump supporter.

just saw a couple of clips on MSNBC. He looked and sounded, well, fine considering it’s Trump. A little angry a couple of times but not like at the debate. Panel discussion consensus is he didn’t hurt or help his chances. Also heard this from Axelrod on CNN. Which is good, he needs to do more than break even. More good news I think, Rudy is helping Trump in debate prep. WP story just came out about Rudy being manipulated by Russian disinformation. Maybe he will counsel Trump to keep talking about Hunter.

Okay, I was able to find the Trump town hall on YouTube.

Holy hannah! It was a clusterflop from the get-go. I think Mr. Trump spent more time arguing with the moderator than he did answering questions from voters. At certain points, I thought he was going to reach into his jacket pocket, retrieve a pair of steel ball bearings and roll them around in his hand, while talking about missing strawberries. And when he did take voters’ questions, it came as no surprise that he never really answered them.

Kudos to Savannah Guthrie for repeatedly calling Trump on his bullshit. That was refreshing.

Meanwhile, Biden looked presidential, especially after all we’ve heard from the opposition that he’s confused, on drugs, and sleepy.

That’s one thing reporters have NEVER done consistently! When he waffles, they just back off and drop it. Brava to her for hammering away. Most people (IMHO) when being pressed (hehe) like that will eventually throw up their hands and go, “Okay! Fine! I did/didn’t do whatever.” But trump is just a pile of jell-o. She pushes and pushes and never encounters anything solid.

It reminds me of the first time I flew. From the ground, clouds look all white and fluffy and solid. Like you could lie back on them and be supported like in cartoons or Maxfield Parrish drawings. But when the plane takes off and plows through them, they’re just gray, water droplets. There’s no there there. That goes double for Donnie. No substance. Nothing solid. Except that big fat gut.

Well said Thelma.

I would have watched Trump, but there is absolutely no point in it.

$23 billion worth in 2015 according to the Orange County Register. Even the legal crop is estimated to be more valuable (at nearly $7 billion) than the next highest agricultural product - milk.

So here’s trump’s tweet about his town hall last night:

Very good reviews on last night’s @NBCNews Town Hall in Miami. Thank you!!!

Oooookay. I did not watch it in real time, but I caught the most batshit crazy parts afterward (lightly paraphrased from memory):

Mr. President, will you disavow QAnon, the group who says that Democrats are running a satanic pedophile ring?

I don’t know anything about that. But I do know they’re strongly against pedophiles, and that’s good!

Mr. President, what about your retweet of a conspiracy theory that a body double of Bin Laden was killed, and the real Bin Laden is still alive?

I don’t know anything about that. I retweet a lot of things. People can decide for themselves!

He always does that about the most crazy batshit stuff he says or does and then gets called out on.

“I don’t know anything about [batshit crazy thing I’ve said, endorsed, or done]. But [says something affirming it, demonstrating I do know all about it and approve].”

Claiming that the only thing you know about Q-Anon is that they are against pedophilia is like claiming the only thing you know about the KKK is that they want to promote Christianity.

I just saw something about this and I can’t find it again. However, the lady said that she will be voting for Biden.