Pence attended a showing of Hamilton last night, where he was roundly booed by the audience and rightly lectured by the cast. Then Trump tweeted to demand an apology from the cast.
We need an omnibus Trump Tweet thread for the next four years, so this is it. He’s simply an embarrassment to America. Hopefully the human filth that voted for him will start to notice that, but I doubt it.
Now, now. The show is called Hamilton, how was Mike Pence supposed to know it would be about politics? Next time he’ll buy tickets for a “safe space” show like Oklahoma!
No, we don’t need a Trump Tweet thread. In fact, that is exactly the opposite of what is needed. Glorifying and validating Trump by focusing on his spastic stream-of-consciousness ejaculations of narcissistic rage is just giving him, and the people who love on him as their proxy for being able to spew hateful, angry rhetoric on the Internet like an infant spitting out strained peas all of the kitchen. Not only do we not need a thread, the media needs to stop reporting on his tweeting entirely and start doing serious, detailed, round the clock coverage on just how radically unqualified and abnormally dangerous his key advisors and appointments are, and how his actions are going to hurt the very people who voted for him the most, with pictures of dancing kittens and strippers if that’s what it takes to get attention. Stop giving free media attention and the very kind of public outrage that Trump feeds on, and start making him angry enough until he turns into the Orange Hulk and bursts through the windows of his own building, waving his tiny fists in revealinglay impotent rage.